Pediasure (Top voted first)


Does pediasure complete contain steroids?

2 Replies

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No! If it did, they would not be able to sell it over the counter and especially not for children.

Here's some information from Abbott, the manuacturer:

Milk-based, complete, balanced nutrition®
1.0 Cal per mL, 237 Cal per 8 fl oz, from a balanced distribution of protein, fat, and carbohydrate
Meets or exceeds 100% of the DRIs for protein and 25 essential vitamins and minerals for children 1 to 8 years of age in 1000 mL, and for children 9 to 13 years of age in 1500 mL
Excellent source of DHA omega-3‡, an important nutrient that helps support brain and eye development ,4,5
Available in 8-fl-oz cans§ and reclosable bottles to help improve compliance and reduce waste
5 Kid-Approved flavors help encourage compliance
WIC® eligible in all 50 states¶
Contains 1.7 g dietary fiber with 1 g from scFOS® per 8 fl oz serving*
A unique blend of Prebiotic NutraFlora® scFOS® and antioxidants† designed to support digestive tract and strengthen the immune system,1,2,3

Why did you think it contained steroids?

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My nephew who is about 4 years of age, was extremely frail and underweight for his age. The child was born underweight and didn't have a normal period of lactation. The boy has put of considerable bone mass and body weight after just three months of consuming Pediasure. A drastic change in body composition, rather rock solid body structure for a four year old. Hence I too doubt whether this product contains any performance enhancer kind of chemicals related to the class anabolic steroids, which are being used by athletes or bodybuilders.

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