Why Would My Drug Screen Be Negative For Nucynta When Ive Been On The Medication Years (Top voted first)


Why did my drug screen at the dr office come back negative for Nucynta 100mg (4x's a day) when i've been on this medication for about 4 years? The looked at me like I was a drug dealer when in fact I take my medicine every single day of my life.

8 Replies

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Do they do a special tic screen for that b/c it wouldn't show up on a normal one. Did you run out of meds early-b/c since its related to ultram, I bet it doesn't stay in your system long but you would think it would be built up after taking it do long.. I know I've not been helpful, sorry. Maybe you can google for answers.

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I was prescribed Nucynta 75 MG 4 times per day for pain. Over a week ago I took a short trip and lost about 2 weeks' worth of meds. I have an appt. with my pain management nurse on Mon. 4/1 (in 3 days) and I've only two 75MG tabs left. Questiion: when should I take those last two pills, as I'm sure I'll have to do a urine test? Of course I've thought of telling the nurse what happened, but I don't know her well and she seems very by the book. I have ferocious fibromyalgia and am terrified of being "cut off" from pain management. Any suggestions/thoughts welcome. Thanks.

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I too take 100mg of Nucynta 4x a day(as prescribed) for the last 3 months and just got back from taking a 10 panel urine drug screen. Although not worried about the results...If I should be contacted by the screening site to verify my script then I will know that it does show up. Sidebar - when your doctor has you take a drug test (now a Federal mandate once a year at the least) he is looking for different levels. The rule of thumb is 1.) to high (excuse the pun) your abusing them; 2.) normal level - your taking them as prescribed and 3.)too low of a level and you don't have an increase in the amount of pills on hand to account for this, then you are either giving them or selling them to some one else. Both are very illegal and will probably force your doctor to cut you off or hopefully wean you off under his or her control. I will post my results in a week or two so we all know.

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Tested positive for Methadone, have never taken it.

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Can they actually check levels of nucynta? Doctor increased me but tested me and I hurt really bad at beginning so took more. Slowed down for few days before appointment then took my normal dose that day. Had rest of my pills on me. Will I get kicked out?

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I know this post is old, but I have looked everywhere for an answer to this to no avail.
I take Nucynta ER 250mg twice a day (every 12 hours) and have been on it for about 6 years. I have always taken them as prescribed and I have NEVER diverted them as they are a very dangerous medicine. I tested positive for the Nucynta ER in my metabolites, but the comfirmatory came back as negative with NO LEVEL at all!! I have been discharged from my pain management who I had been with for 6 years and they cut my nucynta in half which is causing horrible withdrawls. By the way, the nurse told me that the Nucynta and Nucynta ER have NO withdrawl symptoms. What a liar!!!
My main question is what in the world happened on that urine test that came up negative for this drug I have never missed taking? I'm so lost and scared and I need help please. Any info would help. I am also on cymbalta 60 mgs one a day, lyrica 150 mgs 3 a day, and norco 10s 3 a day but I only take those as needed for my pain. Oh! And i am on these meds and in severe pain due to a mesh sling put on my bladder 7 years ago, now I have severe chronic nerve pain, I have to cath, and my bladder and whole pelvic area is in severe pain always.
Any info as to why my urine test came up negative for the nucynta er even tho I take them as prescribed would be welcomed. Thank you in advanced.

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Re: pagodajade (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I been on 200mlg NuCyntas 2 x a day for years!! Sometimes Whn your test comes back as negitive even though its not negative cuz u know for a fact they u take them as directed!! Sometimes the test comes back as negative for them cuz its called a (false negative) my Dr said!! If it comes back as that u need to ask your Dr can i take another test right now cuz i know its not negative for them cuz i do take them as directed!!!!!

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urine test negative for Nucynta. DR refused to presribe more AND cut oxycontin in half. Had been taking 100 mg. Nucynta 6 times daily.Pain is Unbearable! Have been on Nucynta for 3 1/2 years. Workers comp. case Now what?

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