Welchol Price Up 200% Since 2013 (Top voted first)


There's no question that Welchol has been moderately effective at lowering my LDL cholesterol, but monthly prescription cost (including Welchol loyalty program discount) has doubled since I started taking it in 2013. Ridiculous! I've found internet references to Welchol being on the market as early as 2005, which means development costs have long since been recovered. Current pricing, which includes a $50 increase within the past 30 days alone, is nothing short of extortion. I'm out! Back to statins which work just as we'll. I can learn to live with the chest pains, but I can never reconcile being taken advantage of.

2 Replies

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Hello Dave! How are you?

Rather than the statins, if they are causing you chest pain, you may want to ask about trying something such as Fenofibrate, which can also lower cholesterol, but doesn't usually cause the same problematic side effects.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Thank you. I'll ask my doctor about that.

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