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Hi, I recently found a bag of small blue pills, with E C on one side (separated by a long line) and then 50 on the back. I also found Fertomid, and some other small blue oval pills that look like they have a picture of Saturn imprinted on them. Can you please give me details on these 3 drugs? Thanks! ## Hello Jackie04678, I found a match for the first pill you described. Nolvadex 20mg pills have an E|C imprint on the face of the pill and a 50 imprint on the back. Reportedly these tablets are no longer being manufactured and have been replaced with a new drug. Here is a link to the manufacturer's page; For the second drug Fertomid. It is often used to treat infertility in women whose ovaries are not functioning correctly and reportedly contains the active ingredient ...

1 REPLY Updated in Winstrol

I am using omnacortil since I was 8 years old due to nephritic syndrome. not regularly but when I need it. In that time my mind was really good. I was like a genius. I was able to solve tough math problems and was able to do many things. my brain was really dashing. But after so many years and now I am 20 my mind and brain is really dull and I am really suffering from memory losses and I am not so good at studies and anything. ## Corticosteroids, such as this one which contains the active ingredient Prednisolone, are known to cause amnesia, and memory loss with long-term use, according to NIH reports, other side effects may including dizziness, headache, acne, mood changes, and weight changes. Are you on any other medications?

1 REPLY Updated in Prednisolone

Will there be any side effects of using wysolone 20 mg daily in thi night for 5 days? ## Every medication carries the risk of side effects, regardless of how long you take it. Wysolone contains the active ingredient Prednisolone, it is a corticosteroid. The possible side effects can include: headache, fluid retention, weight gain and muscle weakness. Learn more: Is there anything else I can help with? ## I have right ear hearing problem. My right nerve sensing report was shown negative. ENT Dr recommended me to take Wysolone 20 X 3 = 60 mg 1 time aftr food / ZOVIRAX 800 mg 5 times a day and Rabonik 20 empty stomach FOR 7 days. Today is 5 th day.Now I can start hearing from Right Ear but some time I get different sound from Right ear. Shd I continue for 7 days and visit Dr or can go tomo...

6 REPLIES Updated in Prednisolone

my doctor said to use these tablets 5mg, can anybody tell wht the reason of using these tablets ## Prednisolone is a steroid commonly used to treat pain, inflammation and allergic reactions. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, headache and weight gain. You can read more here: Is there anything else I can help you with? ## I had severe cough and cold, and i was advised omnacortil - 10 mg, morning and night, so altogether - 20 mg per day. It got reduced and i was feeling fine, but now, its been 8 days of medication, severe swelling of body have occured, and face is swollen to the core., body pain.. and why is this...? iam 25 years old. ## I juz read the above msg.... acc. to my knowledge, Omnacortil -5 or prednisolone dispersible tablet is a steroid which is using to trea...

8 REPLIES Updated in Prednisolone

I would like to know what Ivepred is used for and how long it can be used? Also, what will be the side effects of using Ivepred 16mg for more than three months? ## I've been taking this for the last 3 weeks with a break for a day or so. What is the impact and after effect of this medication? Is it for asthma or bronchitis or breathlessness? ## I want to know the use and the side effect of ivepred 4mg? ## I am taking Ivepred 8mg tablets twice daily. Is Ivepred 8mg a steroid? Please reply.

3 REPLIES Updated

For Bells Palsy I have been given 3×7=21days.Next 7days 2×7=14.And next 7days 1×7=7.How would it effect my health,what are the side effects I will face ## Doctor priscribed me defcort 12 for 7 days and then changed it to wyslone 10 for five days and then wyslone 5 for five and then to stop is their any possibility of adernal crisis or side effect. ## 10 days taken for wysolone 10 Prescription-morning-2 Night-2 &after taken wysolone 10 only for one time..for 2 weekss But by mistake i am taken wysolone 20...please tell me...How would it effect my health? ## My son is 8y old. He is suffering from urticaria. Doctor advised him 20mg of whysolone and 20mg of areas tab. After one week he got swelling on whole body. What should be done. ## Wysolone contains Prednisolone, it i...

4 REPLIES Updated in Prednisolone

Im taking this medicine daily one in the night since last 24 years...and if i dont take it for sometime, i dont get my periods...however i think i have some side effects like i gain weight, my bones have become weak etc.I want to know the side effects of this medicine. ## Why have you been taking it for so long? Omnacortil contains the active ingredient Prednisolone, which is a steroid class medication and yes, it can cause the side effects you listed, as well as fluid retention and compromised immunity. Learn more Omnacortil details here. ## My daughter now 37th weak pregnency she is suffering from skin puups problem the dermatalogist prescribed omacartil 10 mg daily twice. can it is advisabule to use this pregnancy period. And pleace let me know the drug is safe if not what is side ef...

7 REPLIES Updated in Prednisolone

I was prescribed Prednisolone to treat Polymyalgia 11 years ago. Initially I took 15mg a day which was quickly reduced to 10 and gradually to 5mg. I have tried gradually reducing the dose many times in the intervening years but always ended up with a severe return of the original problem. I have now managed to reduce the dose to 4mg daily. My condition is aggravated by my having type 2 Diabetes for which I take insulin because of the steroid treatment. I have recently noticed swelling in my legs and ankles during the evening more especially during periods of hot weather. Also my stomach and breasts seem enlarged. I am trying again to reduce the dose but am concerned about long term effects. Any comments or advice would be appreciated. ## You may always have to take a medication to treat...

13 REPLIES Updated in Prednisolone

why am i prescribed ent 5mgprednislone for phlem in throat ## Hi Kate, Listed below is a pretty detailed explanation for reasons why this drug is prescribed by your doctor: "Prednisone is used alone or with other medications to treat the symptoms of low corticosteroid levels (lack of certain substances that are usually produced by the body and are needed for normal body functioning). Prednisone is also used to treat other conditions in patients with normal corticosteroid levels. These conditions include certain types of arthritis; severe allergic reactions; multiple sclerosis (a disease in which the nerves do not function properly); lupus (a disease in which the body attacks many of its own organs); and certain conditions that affect the lungs, skin, eyes, kidneys blood, thyroid, st...

11 REPLIES Updated in Prednisolone

Hi i am 28 years old and was diagnosed with optic neuritis which has been treated but as prescribed by my doctor I was taking 60 mg first then 50 mg nw 40 mg an then will be taking 10 mg and then I have to stop the dosage .. however I feel that my face has swollen and have got double chin as well although I was already heavy weight but I didn't c have double chin and swollen face. My head feels heavy and some times headache also noticed ... Please help is this normal ?? ## This medication contains the active ingredient Prednisolone, and yes, those can be normal side effects of it, according to NIH reports. Fluid retention, nervousness, and insomnia are also listed as possible side effects. How are you doing, now? Has there been any change? Are you on any other medications? ## Hi I a...

3 REPLIES Updated in Prednisolone

hello, i have boderline ana positive and im pregnant for the second time. the first was a biochemical pregnancy loss. i have been asked to take wysolone 5mg two times a day. im now 10 weeks and 3 days pregnant. kindly let me know if this is safe and will it effect my baby in any way. ## Same here ...wife is 13 weeks pregnant ...she is been asked to take low dosage wysolone 5mg tablets daily this looks like a steroid once in a night ....and they will monitor the FHR every week..... curious to know if this affect any other parts any effects on child growth or mother abnormalities ## Wysolone contains the active ingredient Prednisolone, which is a steroid class medication, but it is listed as being in pregnancy category C, which means it is not known whether or not it may harm the b...

8 REPLIES Updated in Prednisolone

Is Predmet a strong steroid? I took Predmet tablets (8mg) for nearly 2 years. Is it an overdose of treatment? What are the side effects? ## Predmet contains the active ingredient Prednisolone and yes, it is a type of steroid. An overdose, however, does not occur with long-term use, an overdose occurs when you take too much of something, all at once. As to using it regularly, some of the effects can include: compromised immunity, peripheral edema, fluid retention and weight gain. Learn more: Are there any other questions or comments? ## I am a 32 yr old man. I have hormonal inbalance.... can i take this tab to correct this problem? ## I am using predmet 8mg from 2 years onwards and every time I am suffering from big abscesses on and off. I don't know why this abscess keeps coming bac...

5 REPLIES Updated in Prednisolone

i just want to know about advantage and side effect of menebol ## hi any one can tell me about post usage side effects of menabol. ## Menabol, also known as Stanozolol or Winstrol, is a man-made steroid, similar to the a naturally occurring steroid testosterone. Stanozolol is used in the treatment of hereditary angioedema, which causes episodes of swelling of the face, extremities, genitals, bowel wall, and throat. Stanozolol may decrease the frequency and severity of these attacks. As far as side effects go, it is noted that in rare cases, serious and even fatal cases of liver problems have developed during treatment with stanozolol. It is advised that you contact your doctor immediately if you experience abdominal pain, light colored stools, dark colored urine, unusual fatigue, nausea...

25 REPLIES Updated in Stanozolol

I AM TAKING THESE TABLETS SINCE 10TH MONTHS DAILY ONE TABLET. WHAT ARE THE SIDE EFFECTS OF DELTACORTRIL EC 5MG TABS PREDNISOLONE ## Hello, Javed! How are you? This is a steroid class medication and its side effects may include nausea, dizziness, fluid retention, swelling of the face and congestive heart failure. Is there anything else I can help with? ## My Doctor prescribed deltacortril 5mgx6 tablets OD to take fo 6 days for my complaints of dry coughing and itchy throat? Is it safe to take 30 mg of this at once? ## I am a itp patient and I am taking 3 tabs a day. Is it ok or not? Please reply fast. ## I've been taking deltacortil for the last 8 years 4 a fever and joint pain and I gained a lot of weight in the process. What should i do?

4 REPLIES Updated in Prednisolone

i have ulcerative colitis i'm prescribed wysolone of 10 mg four tablets a day i'm having four tablets from past two months but i dont find much difference in my condition i have ulcerative colitis from last 30 years what worst side effects could i have by having wysolone 10 mg ## Wysolone contains the active ingredient Prednisolone, it is a corticosteroid. The possible side effects can include: headache, fluid retention, weight gain and muscle weakness. Learn more: Are there any other questions? ## I am a 18 year old girl and my colonscopy report says I have Pancolitis (IUC). My doctor prescribed me Wysolone(10) along with an antibiotic glevo(500) and mesacol(800) and Razo(20), colospa-x and VSL#3. After just one day, I started having this abdominal pain, chest pain, muscle cram...

2 REPLIES Updated in Prednisolone

I have been on prednisolone for 5 weeks. Started with 25mg for 2 weeks (I felt amazing on this dose), then tapered down to 15mg for a week and a half when I had a flare up of my condition, and my surgeon told me to increase to 50mg. That was rough. I was so angry inside and had no control over my emotions. I was on 50mg for a week. I’ve now tapered back to 25mg for a couple of weeks. It’s now day 6 of the lower dose. The first couple of days, I was an emotional mess, couldn’t stop the tears. I couldn’t function. The surgeon had told me I’d have a rough couple of days and he wasn’t wrong. I feel I am starting to level out and am less emotional but I am just so tired. I wake up exhausted, then nap and still don’t wake up feeling any better. Is thi...

3 REPLIES Updated in Prednisolone

I found this like dull yellow/gold looking capsule pill with brown powder inside it... Can anyone help or tell me what kind of pill this is??? ## Hi ashley, There are hundreds of herbal supplements that share a similar description, so this is what tends to come to mind initially. However, without an imprint it could literally be anything from A to Z. Someone in another discussion thread here had also found a yellow capsule with no imprint inside of an anabolic steroid bottle at: Discuss/Yellow-capsule-with-no-markings-197988.htm. Hard to say if that's a possible suspect or not, but I would encourage you to have the contents analyzed by a lab if it doesn't cost too much. Just out of curiosity, whereabouts did you find it at? Maybe the location can provide us with some additional ...

2 REPLIES Updated

Found this pill hidden in my house it has E|C on front and 50 stamped on back. Does anyone know what this is ## I have found the same pill in my houSe I believe it may be winstrol but I'm still researching. ## I found a round light blue 20mg Tamoxifen Citrate (Nolvadex) pill that fits this exact same imprint. It has E|C on the front and 50 on the back. From what I've read, apparently these particular tablets have been discontinued and replaced by a new version. I don't know if the new version they speak of is now yellow instead of blue... or if it's related to what you found in any other way, but hopefully this can at least help provide an extra clue for further investigation. Just as a reference, you can also google "e c 50 pill Nolvadex" to view a pill image/de...

4 REPLIES Updated in Winstrol

I have to start today. 4 times 5 tablets fo five days! Than go to 15mg 3x5 for five days. The question is isn't this a very high dose ot 20 tablets a day? ## Hello, Lili! How are you? No, that is a common dosage, it is normal for it to prescribed in a large bolus, which is then slowly tapered to treat some conditions, if they are severe. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, acne, insomnia, nervousness, and fluid retention. However, if you are unsure, don't be afraid to double check with your doctor, or pharmacist. It's never a bad idea to be cautious. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I'm 35mg of prednisolone for a week and then drop by one for another week and so on but I through out the day keep getting very...

4 REPLIES Updated in Prednisolone

Dear Mam/Sir, I am taking 40 mg Wysolone tablet after Pregnancy. My question is that What is the side effect of this medicine on my baby because baby depends on me (feeding). ## Hi, Meenaskshi! Congrats on the baby! :-) This is a steroid, it contains the active ingredient Prednisolone, which is known to cross into the milk and thus, also to the baby. However, testing showed that the amounts ingested by infants were actually negligible. They really don't think that the exposure that an infant receives is significant enough to worry about. But if you're concerned, please discuss the issue with your doctor. Learn more Prednisolone details here. ## Dear Mam, Im in the 8th week of pregnancy. My platelet count was 35000 during the 5th week of pregnancy. hence i was advised to take wys...

4 REPLIES Updated in Prednisolone
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