Side Effects Of Cocentyx
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Medicine worked great but had a lot of side effects. One of which was very bad mouth sores. As much as 40 at one time. Stopped cocentyx and still am suffering with mouth sores. It's been 1 month since I stopped med. anyone else have this problem! I can't get rid of them.

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Re: Kippax blues (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I too started getting a sore on my lip after being on Cocentyx for 2 months. I took 2 pills 2x a day of Oreganol oil (has to be P73 wild oregano), and in 2 days sore was gone.

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Hey Misty,

In my case you are correct, I needed to see the appropriate physician. That is to say, I had two urgent care visits, 3 separate ENT doctors and my derm test and diagnose, with no resolve. I did end up at the UCSF oral medicine clinic, 4 months in, and despite the multiple cultures done in the preceding months, they found it to be a yeast infection an it was easily treated with Clotrimazole lozenges. Truly thankful for the relief, but also really frustrated with the failure to diagnose and the subsequent months of pain and many stretches of liquid only dieting. ...but more thankful for the relief ;)

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I've been on Cosentyx for Ankylosing Spondylitis since Nov. 2016 and it does help my joint pain. I have had a cold sore pop up about 5 days after each Cosentyx injection. Each one worse than the last and more painful. It didn't happen during my 5 weeks booster but right after i finished. I haven't had many since I was a child. I just figured it was my immune system being suppressed allowing the herpes simplex to overtake my body. I've discussed this with my rheumy who didn't think much of it. I'm glad I found this discussion. I used to take Lysine supplements when I got oral sores on another med and I've read it can help with cold sores too. I'm not sure about thrush or yeast in the mouth. They do make a powdered form which can be mixed with a little water if it's hard to swallow. I recommend swishing it around the mouth before swallowing it. I'm a pediatric oncology nurse and we give Lysine to kids to prevent mouth sores. In regards to other comments about cultures, there's a special herpes culture and a fungal culture checks for yeast that are usually separate from a basic bacterial and viral swab. Perhaps your doctor's aren't running the right diagnostics or you need a new doc. Best of luck to you all!

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Hey KB, did they swab a culture? If so, what were the results of your viral and bacterial culture evaluation? I had cultures taken twice, in both cases nothing was found.

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So sorry all that happened to you! I've been off medicine for almost 5 months and I am just getting rid of mouth sores! Not to mention all the other side effects!! So sad this medicine caused all the problems because it was so nice to have clear skin.

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Can't BELIEVE I've found this. I have been going insane. My 5 loading doses were fine then I developed a really sore tongue felt like id eaten broken glass with red spots appearing on the palate of my mouth, sore throat, swollen saliva glands, etc. I had to have a tongue and cheek biopsy. The hospital thought it could be oral cancer. Been so miserable, then 3 days ago I went to my docs and she took a look and said I think you have a bad thrush infection through the meds. I didn't hold out much hope but just 3 days later it's all gone apart from a little sore on my tongue. I can talk and eat normally again. She prescribed 1 tablet a day tongue drops and a throat spray. So it def does cause yeast infections. Even though the drug cleared me I could not go through that pain and discomfort again. Good luck everyone and hope your conditions improve.

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I also didn't eat solid foods for weeks. I lived on yogurt and drank Ensure. It was miserable but it did get better... very slowly though

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Sounds like you are going through the same things I did. I have been off Cocentyx for over 3 months now and I am just getting well! I was on it for 4 months. The mouth sores are terrible! I had as many as 40 at a time. I finally went to a Reumatologist and did blood work and other tests and confirmed to me it was side effect from meds and would take months to go away. I have a few sores in mouth that go away quickly now and feel much much better. But it took a long time. Can't taste food though. Doctor said that would be last thing to come back. I hope your recovery is quicker and than mine. Best of luck!

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This is my experience as well. I suffered no side effects during the 5 week booster period this October, but started getting mouth sores immediately following. I have been to urgent care, my Gastroenterologist, and an ENT, and no one can provide any easing or remedy. My bacterial and viral cultures came back negative, so no herpes or yeast infection, there was a rare staph present which they didnt feel was an issue, but put me on a 10 day track of Cephalexin regardless. I have been off Cosentyx for just over a month, and it continues to get worse. Beyond ulceration on the tongue, palate, uvula and tonsils, I now have developed large sensitive raw spots on the tongue. I am six weeks into this nightmare and have not been able to eat solid food for the past three or four days. Not sure what to do at this point; its sad that I found greater relief to my psoriasis than I have had in 30+ years, only to lose it to uncontrollable side effects :/


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The sores are in my mouth, throat and tonsils. I have seen several doctors and they do not know what to do. The only doctor I have not seen is a rumetologist. You would think that after stopping the cocentyx I should be getting better.

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Hello, Von! How are you doing? Has there been any change?

Are they outside or inside of your mouth?

As reported by the FDA, this medication has been known to cause flare ups of oral herpes, also known as cold sores. It can also cause oral yeast infections, as well as other infections that may require medical treatment.

Have you had your doctor check them out?

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