Saphris Withdrawal (Top voted first)


I have been off of 5 mg Saphris for 2 weeks. I have experience severe dehydration, weakness, dry mouth, and fatigue being off of it. I had to be treated with an IV a couple days ago because I was so dehydrated. Has anyone else ever experienced these Saphris withdrawal symptoms? I am especially concerned about the severe dehydration.

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How are you ending up so dehydrated? Are you urinating a lot, vomiting, or have diarrhea?

There has to be some underlying cause, even though it may be due to the withdrawal. To become dehydrated, you have to be putting out more fluid than you're taking in, as explained by the NIH.

Have you tried upping your fluid intake? Generally, it's best to avoid fruit juices, because some may cause diarrhea, but water or Pedialyte are both good choices, especially the latter, since it contains the nutrients and electrolytes that you need.

If you're nauseous and having trouble holding anything down, even sucking on ice chips can help.

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Ever since I stopped taking Saphris I have been dehydrated. I have been drinking vitamin water and water all day but have still had severe weakness, exhaustion, and cramping. I also started a new med called Rexulti, but I can't find anywhere that a side effect of Rexulti is dehydration. I have even been treated in the ER for dehydration. I had blood work done and everything looked good except my vitamin D was a bit low. My psychiatrist can't explain what's happening nor can my primary care physician. I am at a loss and do not know what's happening to me. All I know is ever since I stopped the Saphris and started the Rexulti I have been extremely dehydrated which has in turn caused me numerous problems. I am also very sensitive to medications.

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Re: Ineedhelp (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I have been hospitalized 3 times for Saphris withdrawal. My doctor was surprised and confused about it. He has never treated anyone with Saphris withdrawal. I have had all the same side effects as you plus I become very panicky. Did you taper down or quit cold turkey? Right now I am trying to go from 10mg to 5mg but I have had problems with tapering down, too. I usually get sick. My doctor told me to try taking a 5mg and a 2.5mg but I am trying to see if I will be ok going from 10mg to 5mg again. I will let you know how that works out. I've done it for 3 days now and so far I'm ok. How long did it take you to feel the withdrawal symptoms?

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