Ranexa And Suggestions To Help With Constipation Side Effect (Top voted first)


Any ideas on help for constipation side effect from the drug Ranexa?

2 Replies

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Hello, Nancy! How are you?

A fiber supplement is usually the best and safest option, as long as your doctor says that it is safe for you to take one.

You may also experience other side effects including nausea, dizziness, headache and stomach pain.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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YES! What works great is Peri-Colace or a store brand with these two ingredients:
1. Ducosate Sodium 50mg (softening agent) *take 3
2. Sennosides 8.6mg (a stimulant)

I take these with two Probiotic pills and they work better than anything else I've tried. Don't know if this works for everyone, but you will know immediately if they work. Take them before you go to bed at night and then eat breakfast. You should then know if they are working for you. I tried a lot of other stuff, but this works the best. Hope this helps you. GX3

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