Need Motivation!!!


I have been on 100mg for about 4months and have had gr8 results with my depression and rage issues; but unfortunately not my motivation.... I still find it extremely hard to get up & move- no good when you are on your own with 2 little kids :( would increasing by dose to 150mg be of any benefit????? Please help :)

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I actually doubt that a higher dose would help with that. It is a fairly common problem that people experience with antidepressants and it usually gets more pronounced with higher doses.

Learn more Pristiq details here.

No drug is really a 'fix all'. There are some things you do have to find your own solutions for to help yourself.

Are you in therapy?

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I can't move when on Pristiq. I constantly feel like I need to lie down. My doctor gives me 10 mg of extended release dextroamphetamine. I can get through the day. But then I can't sleep. So I use lorazapam. I hate to take all these drugs but it took years to find this combination.

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