Hysingla Metabolization
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I have been given hysingla er 20 mg. Have had 11 back surgeries including a spinal cord injury surgery. Severe pain. Been on it 2 days. Not much relief yet. If not dissolvable, how does it metabolize in the stomach to release medicine?

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Is hysingla ER homogenous ? Is it uniform throughout the pill?

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No it will not cover your pain. Unless you only took about half a Vicodin 4 times a day. How many Vicodin did you take daily?

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Will 20 mg hyslinga be enough to replace my 7.5 325 Norco that I have been taking for the past 7 years? There is no supplement for breakthrough pain.

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Hello, Percy! How are you?

The medication is slowly released, thanks to your stomach acid, your stomach acid is very strong and can dissolve many things that cannot be broken down by water or other liquids.

Though, it's a gel substance, the best example I can give would be perhaps a sponge that you soak and then let sit somewhere... the liquid that soaked it is slowly released for a certain period of time, it doesn't all drain out at once and cause the sponge to be immediately dry.

The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and constipation.

I hope I've explained this adequately, but if not, please post back and I'll try to find more information for you.

Has there been any change in your pain levels, yet?

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