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Recently active Humira forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Humira and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.
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I was prescribed humira for crohns and I finished my starter pack 5days ago. I am having numbness/tingling and nwrve pain in my left arm and left leg. Has anyone else experienced this and does it typically resolve? I am a musician and the numbness/tingling affects my ability to play guitar which is very scary. Any info/advice is appreciated. Thanks. ## Hello, Tootie! How are you? Those are listed by the FDA as being common side effects of Humira. You may also experience bladder pain, feeling cold, indigestion and stomach pain. However, side effects are usually transient and tend to go away in time, once your body gets used to the medication, but that may take a few weeks. Is there anything else I can help with?

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Just curious, I've been on Humira for almost 2 years. Has anyone had issues with low iron or low red blood cell counts? ## Hello, Denise! How are you feeling? The FDA warns about the possibility of developing various blood abnormalities, while on Humira. Other side effects may possibly include flu like symptoms, back pain, sinusitis and hypertension. Has anyone else experienced this?

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I have been on Humira for 2 months now for HS. The shot almost instantly makes my muscles ache, my bones ache, no appetite, have trouble sleeping, etc. Are the side effects that I have listed normal? Is there an end to treatment, or just on-going? ## Yes, those are all normal side effects to Humira, as listed by the FDA. You may also experience nausea, dizziness and headache. In some cases, they have been so severe that people had to stop treatment with it. The duration of treatment will depend on how your respond to it. Is there anything else I can help with? ## No, you have just reiterated my fears. I spoke to my nurse and Dr. wants to change dose. I would guess this would be to 1x weekly - as per new FDA guidelines. This will be even tougher for me. I will just stick it out the best ...

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Hi guys. I've been on humira for about 6 months, what a life saver it is! But the last 2 inj's. when I get the skin ready to inj. myself the needle pricks my skin, then I think comes out and fills up the little white bit that covers the needle.... Anyone else had this problem?


I've been on Humira for one year with no serious side effects. Six months ago, I was on a series of antibiotics for almost a month for sinusitis and cough related to that. Since then, I have these huge coughing fits that end with me gagging to get control. Although I have never had allergies, this week has hit me with the classic signs of watering eyes, coughing and runny nose. Has anyone had these types of problems on Humira? ## Hello, Gigi! How are you? Those are listed as possible side effects of Humira, according to the FDA. You may also experience insomnia, agitation, wrinkled skin and shallow breathing. Has anyone else that's been on it experienced such side effects?

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I have been on Humira for about 5 years and it has been a life saver. In the past 3 months or so I've found that it would only help for 10 - 12 days instead of the 2 week cycle I've have been on. Now I'm down to about 80% effectiveness and only helps for about a week. Has anyone experience a resistance to the drug after a period of time? ## Hello, Richard! How are you? It is normal for that to happen with any medication that you are on for a long period of time, it can vary from person to person, so there is no time frame that can be given. Have you discussed the issue with your doctor? They may have an idea on how to help you. ## Yes. At least that's what I feel is happening along with random pains in my legs mostly my thighs. I have had fibramalasia symptoms but typica...

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I was just wondering if anyone else has come across this problem. First off, I know I cannot get live vaccines while taking humira. Although, I need to get my travel vaccinations and need to take a live one. About how long is a good amount of time to wait until you can take a live vaccine after stopping humira? My doctor is taking a while to get back to me with an answer. ## Hello, Mark! How are you? I'm sorry, but I can't find any data on that, though I've searched several resources. Have you heard back from your doctor, yet? Which vaccine is it? ## I am on Humira, is it okay for me to have contact with my grandchild who has just had the live flu virus shot (live spray up nostrils) Thanks for any help ## It's six months of no humira before a live inj. can be given. Then...

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I've been diagnosed with UC since I was 5. I am now 18 and for the most part my UC has been pretty mild. However I find myself suffering more from psoriasis and although not diagnosed yet but fairly certain, some form of arthritis. I often find my bones and joints aching, I have patches of psoriasis that just won't go away but my UC only flares once every one to two years. I'm not on much medication and if I am my doses are very low. I'm wondering if taking Humira would be a good option as it could treat all three illnesses, or if it would be a step backwards for me since all my conditions are mild- moderate and I have been able to live with them. I guess I'm just looking for someone with a similar story? Did Humira treat multiple problems for any of you?


I'm 55 yrs young, female, and just started on humira for moderate UC (diagnosed in my 20's). Also, I've been on HRT (estradiol .75 mg) now for 5 1/2 years since having a hysterectomy. Is there a possibility of negative drug interaction with humira? If so, what might the be? I'll have to admit that I'm a little nervous anyway..... ## Hello, Sunny! How are you? I didn't find any problems or interactions listed between them, but it's always best to double check such information to be sure. The FDA lists the typical side effects of Humira as possibly including administration site reactions, dizziness, vision problems, headache, nausea and psoriasis. What are you nervous about? Perhaps those issues can be addressed to help you. ## Hi, I am also 55 and have discuss...

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I'm a 42 year old male that was dx with RA about 1.5 years ago. Initial treatment was methotrexate but had lived issues. I've been on Humira for three months and it has all but wiped out my joint pain and I feel great except for my left jaw and ear. Jaw and ear pain and teeth/bite shifting started at about week three and has been intermintent since. Ear pain has decreased over that time and jaw pain is hit or miss and seems to come on with out rhyme or reason. It's bad enough right not that it woke me up. Had my last apt with my RA doc last week and mentioned the pain and he did not seem concerned or think that it is either Humira or RA related. I've never had issues like this prior and Humira is the only change. Any ideas/similar experiences etc? I would hate to have to...

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I have a question I'm having a pretty bad period pain and cramp wise and I was wondering if I should wait and take my Humira after it's over? Has anyone ever taking it while having a bad period and been ok? I have been on it for about eight months and have done fine this is just a painful menses so I'm concerned. Thank you for your input. I know my doctor will just say to take it so I'm coming to ask you all for your nonbiased opinion ## @Mamayogi, I haven't come across any specific details stating that you can't take Humira during your period. However it is important to note that this medication can cause changes within your menstrual cycle; including but not limited to abnormal vaginal bleeding or discharge as a potential side effect. But if you seem to be doin...

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So this is a long story it I have crohn's and was placed on humira 3 years ago twice monthly. About 1 month ago I started having really bad neck pain , then a week later severe headaches and finally the high fevers of 105. I have been in the hospital for 16 days with 2 ct scans 3 MRIs 2 spinal taps , 3 surgical procedures. They think I have a none I td goon in my skull and lymph node abscess - but not sure of anything. No fungus or bacteria growing out. Has anyone had any sort if experience like this ? TB negative as well as lymphoma ## SOUNDS LIKE MENENGITIS ## @e man, After comparing your symptoms with Meningitis symptoms listed online, I agree with karen that it sounds like a strong possibility. A sudden high fever, stiffness/pain in the neck, and severe persistent headaches are ...

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The Dr has recommended Humira for me. I am very hesitant as I feel at my age-66-it may not be the wisest thing to do. I would love to hear from those of you my age who have had experience with this drug. Thanks so much! ## Hi Arlene, When it comes to determining if any particular drug will work for you, there's really no honest way to know for sure until you try it yourself. Chronological age is just a number and does not always reflect "biological age", which in my opinion would be a more accurate way of diagnosing the overall state of your body and mind, based on how healthy you are as an individual. I don't know if doctor's also take this into account before recommending you try something like Humira, but no matter your age I would only do what you feel comfortabl...

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I was diagnosed with RA 2003. Started out with methotrexate until my liver showed signs. Then went on Enbrel for 10 yrs. Other than inj. site issues it was great! No flares. You'd never know I had RA. Istarted having RA symtoms (you never forget them). My next dr appointment I was met bya dr I didn't know and she said my Enbrel was no longer working for me and swtched me to Humira. I did my first IV n the drs office w/o a problem. Second (2 wks) the first site puffed up. This was odd. No other problem so the 3rd inj. I rotated leg/stomach/leg. I have yet to feel more than a 4 day relief after 3 months. I watch my diet for inflammatory foods, stopped alot of food supplements and still not any better. Is Enbrel a stronger med than Humira? Can't seem to get much help from my RA...

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Hi everyone. Just got my first Humira 2 days ago. So far I feel much better without taking diclo and mtx. Im traveling today and Im afraid about getting sore bec of too much walking. Can I take diclofenac sodium in that case to relieve the pain?


Can I do IPL laser treatments to my face if I take Humira? ## Hi Kay, According to the FDA, the only contraindication listed for this medication states that "patients with a known hypersensitivity to Humira or any of its components should not be taking it." Ref: However, in this case, if you think that certain side effects or mechanisms of Humira could potentially increase your risk of being overly sensitive to the laster treatments, I would just suggest talking to your dermatologist first before moving forward with the procedure. I hope this helps!

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Hi , I am two weeks in to my treatment and I have tingling in my legs all the time. It is uncomfortable to do my daily hamstring stretches. I am worried about this and am not due to see my Dr for 3 more weeks. I also have intermittent mild fever and lethargy. Should I be worried about the tingling in my legs? ## Hello, Shelly! How are you? I'm not seeing this listed among the detailed side effects, but I have to say that it really doesn't surprise me. Many people have problems with these types of medications and quite a few have ended up having to discontinue them. The fever and lethargy, however, are quite normal. I'd suggest calling your doctor now, to make them aware of the issue and see what they think you should do. Is there anything else I can help with?

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Hey there, I'm not sure if this is the right spot to post this but I'm in need of some advice. I started using humira about 6 months ago. I'm 23. I want to go back to school to become a surgery technician. However since I am on humira I was wondering if anyone thought there is a cause of concern working in an hospital environment while on humira (increased risk of infection). I haven't noticed being sick more often since going on humira. ## Hello, Kyle! How are you? I supposed there would be some slightly increased risk, but I doubt it should be enough to prevent you from working. However, you should check with your doctor to be sure. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I have been on Humira for a year. I'm 26, and in nursing school. This drug should not hold ...

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I will be traveling for 5 months in third world countries. I will need 5 months of Humira in advance. I have BCBS. Has anyone had any experience in getting this amount of drug in advance? Thank you. ## Hi Breezy, In unique situations like this, it seems like your best bet would be to discuss those travel plans with your doctor in order to get him to fully understand what amount he would realistically need to prescribe you for that time frame. While I don't have personal experience on the matter, I do believe they'll end up working with you on your situation. It's just become a lot more common lately for people to have to travel with their medications and carry a certain amount on them at all times. So their probably pretty used to these types of requests. I hope you have a s...

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Will start taking the shot tomorrow, wanted to talk to someone who is also taking the shot and what to expect. ## I am not taking it, but I can tell you more about it. Humira contains the active ingredient Adalimumab. The most common side effects to expect are injection site reactions, such as bruising, soreness and swelling. You can read more about the mediation here: Does anyone else have experience using this? ## Himira is the worst drug I've ever been on. You can try Vitamin D it has really worked for me. Also, I would try anything before Himira. It is so painful!! ## been on enbrel for 6yrs and I was sick more often than I was actually taking it. Just started Humira about 1 month ago and in just 2wks after staring it I have cleared up about 60%. So far so good!C ## I used Humni...

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