Focus On Preventing Depression (Top voted first)


In today's modernized world, there are numerous ways to combat and cope with symptoms of depression. Unfortunately, western medicine seems to focus its attention too heavily on treating it once it's already there as opposed to preventing it to begin with. The problem I see with this approach is that many of the medications available don't actually work or are too riddled with side effects for patients to see lasting results. While this may not apply to everyone, it's interesting to note that a few articles from the Journal of the American Medical Association have paved the way to exploring various preventive methods including, problem-solving education [1], resistance exercise training [2] and psychological preventive intervention.

Problem-solving education is intriguing because of the way it can help recipients manage stress across a wide array of plausible theory-based circumstances. The challenge of course is being able to measure the impact of stress management in how we perceive various obstacles or life challenges.

Clinical Study Results - "Conclusions and Relevance: Problem-solving education is efficacious in preventing depressive symptoms and appears to work by decreasing perceived stress; however, the mechanism for much of PSE’s impact on depression remains unexplained. These results can be used to simplify the intervention model in preparation for effectiveness testing."

[1] Link to Study:

Resistance exercise training as a means of preventing depressive symptoms is yet another plausible method for retaining emotional stability and a sense of overcoming trials & tribulations. It is clear that the physical benefits of resistance training are well documented. However, less is known about its association with mental health outcomes.

According to clinical trials in the Journal of the American Medical Association, "the available empirical evidence supports resistance exercise training as an alternative and/or adjuvant therapy for depressive symptoms." They go on to state that the clinical trial results displayed significantly reduced depressive symptoms among adults - regardless of their health status, how much resistance training they did or any notable improvements in strength. I just think this goes to show how much physical activity is overlooked as a first line treatment measure before medications are prescribed. Most people want to feel good instantly without putting in the physical and/or psychological effort (e.g. Why not just take a pill?). However, in my own opinion, those who continuously act with intention and purpose in this regard can reap life-long benefits through fitness that a pill can't hope to provide.

Some words of wisdom that resonate with me on my journey are to not focus on the outcome; focus instead on the changes taking place inside of you, for it is through those changes that true results will be seen. Remember that emotional stability is a big achievement.

[2] Link to Study:

"Depression is a major public health issue and is projected to become the leading cause of disability worldwide by 2030. Traditionally, psychological and psychiatric intervention research has focused on the development and evaluation of curative interventions. However, despite decades of research, many patients do not respond to current treatments. Moreover, most affected individuals around the globe, including high-income countries, remain untreated. Research shows that these low treatment uptake rates are caused not only by gaps in treatment availability, but also by attitudinal barriers such as fear of stigma or a preference to solve problems on one’s own."


In light of this publication, it is clear to me that new approaches to tackling depression are necessary and perhaps the same can be said for anxiety as well. Nevertheless, more studies are needed to examine the best procedure for prevention, including the relevant mechanisms & moderators of intervention outcomes.

I invite you, the reader, to share your thoughts and opinions on preventative measures for defeating depression and the efficacy or role of psychological & physical preparations to achieve this task (such as affirmations, working out regularly, eating healthy and so forth).

Have you been able to prevent or overcome looming symptoms of depression in your life experience through unconventional means?

5 Replies

Earliest Newest Votes

Thank you so much for those details. I wouldn't have guessed Adderall as what you were talking about. I agree that doctors are for sure reluctant to prescribe it these days. It's always too bad when recreational users cause the availability of a potentially great treatment to be withheld from those who need it. Seems like a common theme. Re "I have heard even drugs for cholesterol will cause depression." ... yeah, my mother was on Omeprazole for GERD and she had to stop taking it because it was causing depressive symptoms.

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In my journey I have found that the go to medication (any serotonin meds) made me feel worse, which in turn made me more hopeless and depressed. That was all PCPs know how to prescribe. Sure, exercise and other activities help, but when I am depressed actually doing those things is pretty difficult. When I was able to see an actual psychiatrist he gave me something that works on dopamine and I got instant relief. Unfortunately people like to abuse those meds so they don’t give them out much.

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@Me, do you recall what was the name of the medication that your psychiatrist prescribed? I'd be interested in learning more about it, esp if it's not a typical SSRI drug.

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Re: Roy (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Adderall. Low dose. It was instantly life changing. If they don’t want to give that to you because people abuse it there’s one that starts with a V (Vyvanse or something) that also works on dopamine and is supposed to be non addictive (or less) but honestly, I have been on 10 mgs of Adderall off and on since 2005 and it’s the only thing that works. When I went back on it in 2016 the next day I finished all the half finished projects around the house. I had moved in 6 months prior and still hadn’t unpacked pictures, and one day after starting it they were hung up and everything. The unfinished stuff is an ADD symptom, but I was so depressed I didn’t even care and the Adderall saved me. 100%

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Re: Roy (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

It also helped that I stopped taking Gabapentin for nerve pain. That crap made me so fatigued and low I think it would make a healthy person feel like a lump. Lyrica was even worse even though they cliam it has less side effects. If you’re taking other stuff for other things see if that may be contributing. I have heard even drugs for cholesterol will cause depression.

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