Enbrel Side Effect? (Top voted first)


Have any of you Enbrel users experienced persistant muscle pain involving the entire leg? This pain is of the level that interrupts sleep.

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does not sound like side effect but sounds like you should see a nurologist I had nerve problems along with RA and what a diffrence to find that out always thought it was the RA but I had two things wrong then I was put on diffrent meds. feel like a new women. feel free to email me!

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Thanks for your input Donna - It took several specialists, and more than a few tests to determine that I too had a problem other than the arthritis! I did eventually end up witha Neurologist - and the problem was pin-pointed. Seems we have similar stories as I too feel like a new person - so glad it wasn't more Arthritis to deal with and especially glad in was in no way a side effect of Enbrel as I am doing so well on it. Thank you again - email anytime.

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how long can a person the enbrel before it will no longer help.my wife has soratic arthritis.she was on enbrel for a while then the doctor took her off.she wants to go back on it she was taken off because of the operation she had.JUST HOW LONG CAN SHE USE IT BEFORE IT DOESN'T WORK ANYMORE

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I think your question needs to be answered by her physician. I suspect the help Enbrel gives and the length of time it helps varies individually.
I was off Enbrel for a while myself - and was happy to be back taking it. It works extremely well for me and I, for one, hope I can use it indifinitely. Your wife and I have the same type arthritis. My good wishes for health to both of you.

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I just woke up from the worst nights sleep I have ever had, because my entire leg was in severe pain for about 4 hours throughout the night. coincidentally, I took one of my embril injections yesterday afternoon. This had never happened to me before, and does not seem to be a common side effect. However, I wanted to respond to your message because I did experience this pain for several hours after using this medication.

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Enbrel contains the active ingredient Etanercept, it is used to treat various auto-immune diseases, including some forms of arthritis.


Enbrel has caused Bursitis as a side effect in some users, so you should consult with your doctor regarding that leg/muscle pain as soon as possible.

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I just gave myself the 3rd injection of enbrel yesterday and all three times my whole leg has hurt the entire day afterwards. This time is the worst. Hopefully this won't happen everytime. Also, it burns really bad when it is going in. Is this common? I inject 50mg once a week. Thanks!

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I developed severe muscle pains in my legs, glutes, back, shoulders and arms. My rheumy thinks it is a reaction to Enbrel. It's been 3 weeks and I'm told could be another 1-3 weeks before it's done. Scary.

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