Diltiazem Forums (Page 3)

Recently active Diltiazem forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Diltiazem and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.
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I take Matzim la 240 mg but had previously taken diltilazem. Now that I will have to pay for prescriptions myself, I would rather pay for generic. What is the generic for Matzim la 240 mg? Is is dilitilazem and if so was ref la, cd xr, etc. ## Hello, Lou! How are you? Yes, it would be Diltiazem ER. The FDA classifies this medication as a calcium channel blocker and lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, weight gain and hypotension. Is there anything else I can help with? ## My insurance no longer pays for Matzim la 240 what can replace that

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I have been prescribed nicorandl 10mg 2 a day , but l allready take diltiazem 60mg 2 a day .l feel nervous to take them together as l have had bad side affects with other tablets in the past. ## Do l take nicorandil and diltiazam together at the same time . One twice a day for both, 250mg ditiazam and 10 mg of nicorandil ## Hello, Phyllis! How are you? How high is your blood pressure? Or do you take them for a heart condition? To get it under control, you should follow your doctor's instructions. The FDA lists the typical side effects of these medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination and hypotension. And please take the prescribed dosage. ## Hi thanks for reply, my blood pressure is ok, l take them because l get chest discomfort when walking ...

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I am taking olmesartan 20mgs and 120 mgs diltiazem per day. Have had chronic, incapacitating leg and hip pain, almost like sciatica, unable to walk, plus a rash on my legs and arms. Stopped dilt for 10 days and pain almost gone. Coincidence or can ths terrible pain etc be related to dilt? Can walk now too. ## Yes, it could be due to the Diltiazem, it has happened to others that have taken it and I experienced such problems myself with several blood pressure medications. Other side effects, as listed by the FDA may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache and increased urination. You may want to speak to your doctor about trying a different medication. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Thank you. Its good to know others have experienced this. Will be speaking to my dr. This ...

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i habve been taking this for years in the AM, now my Dr. wants to "add" a PM dose as well. should I be using non-er instead? ## It can be dosed that way, if deemed necessary by your doctor. Some people need a higher dose, or have to split up doses to get better control of their medical conditions. The FDA lists the typical side effects of this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination and hypotension. Is there anything else I can help with?

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I WAS TAKIN 180 ER TIME RELISED CAPSULE AN THEY UP THIS TO DILTIAZEN HCL ER COATED BE 240 CP 24 IS THIS A CAPSULE AND IS THE SAME STUFF INSIDE THE SAME AND ALSO THE SAME STUFF THE CAPSULE IS MADE OF EVEN BY DIFFERENT COMPANY'S? ## Hello, Betty! How are you? Did you mean Diltiazem, which is used to treat high blood pressure and some cardiac conditions? If so, then yes, the medication is the same, they just raised your dosage from what you've listed. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination and hypotension. Is there anything else I can help with?

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I was just wondering how long it takes for the body to adjust. I am suffering from sore throat swollen neck glands and sinus issues. ## Hello, Liz! How are you? I'm sorry about the problems you're experiencing. It can take about 4 to 5 weeks for your body to get used to the medication and for the side effects to taper off, before going away entirely. As reported by the FDA, you may also experience nausea, headache, dizziness and increased urination. If there is no improvement after that time frame, you should consult your prescriber, as it may not be the right medication for you to take. Is there anything else I can help with?

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Should I take Diltiazem at night 180mg as sometimes my bp is low inthe morning ## Hello, Holly! How are you? How low is it? You may need to adjust the time of day that you take, if your doctor approves, taking it earlier in the day may help prevent that. The FDA lists its other typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache and increased urination. It is normal for it to be lower in the morning, when you first wake up, but it depends on how low. Is it causing you any symptoms, such as dizziness or nausea?

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Are these difference medicines or are they the same? ## From what you've listed, they are the same, the second one just includes the 24 to designate that it's to be taken once daily. The FDA lists the typical side effects of this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination and hypotension. Is there anything else I can help with?

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Doctor switched my bp mess from BisoproloI to Diltiazem. I took my first dose of Diltiazem today and by this afternoon I started getting upset stomach bad headache and now very nauseous. I'm wondering if I am coming down with stomach virus or is it new med? Wondering what to do? I wouldn't think the Diltiazem would be making me sick since I just started it. ## Hello, Redbird! Are you feeling any better? It could be either/or. You may be sick, or it could be withdrawal effects from stopping the Bisoprolol and starting the new medication. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination and hypotension. Are you on any other medications?

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I use to take Cardizem cd 180mg. I have lots of trouble with generics. I was switched to Diltiazem hcl sa caps some time ago (mfg TEVA) and have been doing fine. When picking up my scrips today, I was given Cardia XT (mfg Watson Labs) will I notice any difference? Are the fillers similar? ## Hello, Jackie! How are you? There are quite a few differences in the inactive ingredients, so if you're sensitive to them, you may experience some issues, but the only way to find out is to actually try it and see. What types of problems do you usually have with generics? The FDA lists the typical side effects of this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination and hypotension. ## Nausea, coughing, feel like coming down with flu, some brain fog. Did try can...

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My dad just started taking the DiltiazemER180 MG. His heart rate has been running near 130. His doctor has told him to start taking the 240 mg. My question is if he goes to a higher dose, will that increase his heart rate more or is it possible let that it will slow it down? I'm not a doctor but I don't understand how upping the dosage will help. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you. ## Hello, Rhonda! How are you? This medication has been known to cause elevated heart rate as a side effect, but most side effects are transient and wear off, as someone's body gets used to the medication. As listed by the FDA, he may also experience nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination and orthostatic hypotension. Once his body adjusts, in theory his heart rate should lower, as ...

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I feel that since taking Diltiazem twice a day 180mg in the morning and 180mg in the evening my nose has gone completely dry. I used to have a very runny nose, constantly wiping. Since this dryness I keep getting sinus infections. ## Hello, Doreen! How are you? Yes, that is listed by the FDA as a possible side effect of this medication. You may also experience nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination and hypotension. If you are getting repeated infections, you may want to speak to your doctor about trying a different medication. Is there anything else I can help with?

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I take diltiazem xr and need to take sulfameth/trimethoprim is this ok ## Hello, Jo annn! How are you? Is your doctor aware that you have been prescribed both? The antibiotic could actually increase the efficacy of the Diltiazem, causing your blood pressure and heart rate to be a bit lower than normal. It isn't that they can't be taken together, but your doctor needs to know you're taking both and they should be monitoring you. The FDA lists the typical side effects of this antibiotic as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea.

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I am on the Diltiazem 240mg time release but have recently been diagnosed with Cirrhosis of the liver. Should I stop taking this med that was prescribed to me for heart races which only occurred one every couple of weeks or so about 6 years ago. I have ms also and was told that may have been the reason for these episodes. In any case how do you stop taking this medication? ## Hello, Tim! How are you? Stopping this medication abruptly may cause rebound effects, which could include dangerously elevated heart rate and blood pressure. If you want to try stopping it, the safest thing to do is consult your doctor and follow their instructions to gradually taper off of it. The FDA lists the typical side effects of this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased uri...

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Is there a difference between these 2 meds I was on diliazem 120 er/xr for 4 years and had no problems and now the med was changed to cartia 180 xt and I have headaches congestion which aggravates my ashma and stomach aches ## Hello, Clare! How are you? I'm very sorry about the problems that you're having. They are the same, Cartia XT is just the name brand. It seems odd that it would cause congestion headaches which aggravate your other conditions. Are you allergic to any inactive ingredients that you know of? Are you on any other medications? Have you consulted your doctor? ## I was taking diliazem sr 240 mg now the pharmacy gave me diltiazem xr 240 g what's the whats the difference?

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My medication bottle says Diltiazem Hcl CD 360 mg. Inside are Cardizem capsules 360 mg. Are they exactly the same? ## Hello, Jean! How are you? Yes, they are the same, Cardizem is just the name brand for Diltiazem. The FDA classifies this medication as a calcium channel blocker that is most commonly used to treat high blood pressure and certain cardiac conditions. Its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, stomach pain, increased urination, dry cough and hypotension. Is there anything else I can help with?

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Can I take two pills in one day of the Diltiazem 24HR ER 180 MG CAP ## Hello, Mike! How are you? No, that may result in overdose. You should take one a day, as prescribed. If it isn't control your blood pressure or cardiac condition, then please consult your doctor as you may need to try a different medication or add a second one. The FDA classifies this medication as a calcium channel blocker and its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, stomach pain, increased urination and hypotension. Is there anything else I can help with?

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I am taking Diltiazem ER 180 mg a day for atrial fibrillation. My question is whether I can take this in the evening so it does not make me so tired during the day? Thanks. ## Hi Charlie, Based on my research, the dosing indications for Diltiazem ER don't actually specify whether or not you're supposed to take it during the day or at night. It only mentions taking it "once daily" and doesn't really go into any further detail from there. So in my opinion, it sounds like it should be fine to take it at night as long as you remain consistent with one particular approach. Initially, it's also possible that you may feel a slight difference from altering the timing of your dose, but everything should level out shortly thereafter. I hope this helps! ## Hello, Charlie! H...

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Since I started diltiazem 8 days ago I have had 4 nose bleeds. Is that coincidence or could the drug be causing the nosebleeds? ## Hi Sharon, As strange as it may sound, "unusual bleeding or bruising" is listed as a severe side effect of this drug; in which case it suggests that you contact your doctor immediately. Referenced from: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0000815/#a684027-sideEffects Some of these medications have the weirdest side effects, but it's a good thing we know the cause of it now. I hope this helps! ## Thanks so much, Dave. I stopped the med as yesterday. I had the worst nosebleed yet. I'll call my doc tomorrow to let him know. ## I started taking diltiazem 60mg every 6 hours. I started the new medicine 2days ago. My nose started bleeding a little. The...

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I need to know the difference of diltiazem 180mg and norvasc 5 mg . Are they similar ## Looks like both medicines are used for almost the same thing. Were they prescribed to you by the same doctor? Reference Pages: Diltiazem, Norvasc ## Difference between Diltiazem SA Caps and Diltiazem ER(dilt-XR) Caps? ## ER or XT stands for Extended Release, which means the drug is released slowly over a certain period of time, rather than all at once like regular release medications. ## Dark green, gray capsule with # R-2579 on it ## w/hat is the difference between narvasc and ditiazem ? do they act differently on the system. since they are both calcium blockers. Can they cause bone problems? ## I don't understand why the pharmacy always which medication when your taking dialtizen then they swit...

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