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where to get the drug ## how to order ## Sibuslim contains the active ingredient Sibutramine, sold under the brand name Meridia in the US. Sibuslim is not approved for sale in the US, so I do not know where you can purchase it, in the US it is available by prescription only.

2 REPLIES Updated in Sibutramine

I would like to buy this product again for weight loss. It was the most effective weight loss product I have ever used. I bought it in Erlangen, Germany in a Pharmacy. I would like to know how I could purchase it again. It is over the counter and a non prescription. It is a liquid in a bottle > X112 . ## I took this too in Germany and want it again, it really works, I lost so much weight, it was unbelievable ## You may be able to order it online somewhere, however, if it contains any ingredients that are regulated as prescription items in the U.S. then getting it here would be illegal and it may be seized at customs. ## I was prescribed this in Switzerland, it was wonderful, does anyone know where I can get it again, the only thing for weight loss!

3 REPLIES Updated

my friend told me about a diet pill its light blue,it is round with a picture of what looks like a half moon on one side & the other side is scored so it can be cut 1/4 and there is a 3 on the top left and a 5 on the bottom right..has any one ever seen this? Do you know the name of the pill? ## let me know, i had a friend give me a few. she got a from a doctor who won't give the mane of the pill, but will give it weekly. let me know if you find out the name> ## Jen I think the blue pill you described is phendimetrazine.

2 REPLIES Updated in Phendimetrazine

I have taken Adderol for ADD and it wasn't helping much so my doctor started me on Phendimerazine Tartrate. 35 mg. I never take more than 2 or 3 daily, sometimes none and often just 2 in the mornings. I have dry macular degeneration and high risk for dry macular degeneration, am 75 years old. So far my eyesight has stabelized quite well.quite well. started taking I also have chronic fatigue, no heart problems, no nerviousness or other symptoms that would point to eye damage or other symptoms related to ajphetimine useage. I often go without it if I don't have a lot that has to be accomplished and need the extra energy., because it becomes less affective if I take it every day. I have never taken more than 4 in a day(seldom that) or 2 at a time, early morning. On an early morning...

Updated in Phendimetrazine

Yellow capsule with black letters ST-2 is on top half of capsule and xplc goes diagonally down the other half of capsule ## i found an st-3 xplc pill that is pink and purple. What is this pill used for and what are the side effects? ## I HAVE FOUND A PINK AND PURPLE PILL. IT HAS ON IT ST-3 XPLC. CAN YOU TELL ME WHAT THIS IS AND THE SIDE AFFECTS? ## ST-2 XPLC is a dietary/thermogenic product called Stacker 2 XPLC, it might contain ephedra (should be a yellow pill). ST-3 XPLC is from the same company and is called Stacker 3. ## so stacker 2 and 3 ar drugs but natural drugs..?. or did i read it wrong.. let me know please ## I have found a yellow & blue capsule ST-2 224 3850. Can you tell me what this is. Thanks. ## i found these yellow pills in a tube and it had the ST-2 XPLC.....i use...

7 REPLIES Updated in Ephedra

resembles a m360 hydrocodone but is plain (no #'s and foreign shipped). possibly a speed of some type? ## Being from a foreign source and with no markings, there is no possible way to positively identify it. ## kinda what I thought but was worth a try..Do u have any suggestions? will pharmacies or some other independent company test them? thanks for replying ## You'd have to pay for the testing, there are various labs all over the country that can do it, but pharmacies are not equipped to do it.

3 REPLIES Updated in Adipex

Does anyone know if phentermine can be taken with generic Wellbutrin or Premarin? Thank you. ## Hi Rita...I am taking generic wellbutrin along with 37.5 mgs of phentermine, and I have been ok with them. They usually advise those with a high susceptibility to seizures not to take anything that could enhance that horrible side effect, and also very very important that the prescribing doctor knows all of your meds, including herbal supplements. Phentermine is helpful, but not worth a bad trip down health's lane!

1 REPLY Updated in Phentermine

pills from your company did not work ## I have taken your brand of phentermeine on and off for many years. the past 2 perscriptions i have gotten have nothing in them what soever to curb appetite. and i DO know the difference. i have taken them enough to to the effects. I want to know have you changed any ingredients in these. if so i will NOT by this brand again! ## That is very interesting, especially considering the fact that this site does not MANUFACTURE NOR SELL DRUGS at this site. this is an information only website. You need to find the name of the manufacturer of the medication you purchased and contact them. ## thank you very much for your help. I was just given this website. and sorry for any incovience.But you very helpful and took me to their website ## Not a problem. Commo...

5 REPLIES Updated in Phentermine

i would like to now what is it for and side effects and how to use it. ## This is a brand name for Diethylpropion, also sold under the brand name Tenuate. It is a stimulant drug that suppresses the appetite. Some of the most common side effects include: insomnia, hypertension, changes in libido and nausea. In the US, this is only legally available by prescription, so see your doctor for proper dosage and usage instructions.

1 REPLY Updated in Diethylpropion

capsule purple and gray I don't remember for what I take this one. ## That's a Stacker 3 - Ephedra Free diet pill. It can cause nervousness, high blood pressure, dehydration, etc. Dosage is one pill twice a day. Contains caffeine and herbs.

1 REPLY Updated in Ephedra

the drug yeduc sibutramina have any kind of stimulants or amphentamines? is it just like meredia? ## yudoc what side effects does this pill have and the ingredients ## I cannot tell you anything about it. Foreign medications are not regulated like those in the U.S. and what may be one ingredient under one name in one country could be something entirely different in another country, even though the name is the same. I can only suggest you ask a doctor or pharmacist for more information. ## It is NOT a drug it is an herb. It is called Thyromine in english.

3 REPLIES Updated

I started taking phendimetrazine to lose weight after my hysterectomy. Although it suppressed my appetite, it also made me mentally more alert and able to focus. I have since been diagnosed with ADD; my PCP prescribed Adderall XL for this diagnosis. The Adderall is not having the same effect as the Phendimetrazine. I find myself daydreaming, less focused, and having some shortness of breath. Is there a medication for ADD that is closely related to Phendimetrazine? ## Be careful. It's too closely connected in your thinking. Could the weight loss medication have possibly caused the ADD? I suspect, however I know nothing about the side effects. Look closer into cause and effect. You're now into possibly psychotropic drugs prescribed by psychiatrists. Some mental and emotional damag...

4 REPLIES Updated in Phendimetrazine

oval pill in tablet form it is white with blue specks and on one side says k 25 the other side is blank my prescription is supposed to be for phentermine hcl 37.5 mg tabs please help ## We haven't been able to substantiate this, but it is believed to be Phentermine 37.5mgs.

1 REPLY Updated in Phentermine

SIDE EFFECTS, FACTS ABOUT IT, IT IS REALLY GOING TO WORK? COMPONENTS ## The active ingredient in it is Orlistat, it was originally sold as prescription only under the brand name Xenical. As with any drug, it works for some people and it doesn't work for others, there is no way to know for sure unless you try it. It can cause some rather unpleasant side effects, so it is important to follow all usage directions carefully. The most common and bothersome is loose/oily stools, since the active ingredient binds to fat and prevents it from being absorbed by the body. This leads to other possible side effects such as fecal incontenence and flatulence.

1 REPLY Updated in Alli

oblong shaped pill, white with blue specs, A 159 imprinted on pill, could possibly also be R 159 ## This is not Tarzine! This is Phentermine 37.5mgs, a fairly new weight loss drug. ## tarzine is the pill i have i wanted info on it ## I am sure this pill i got from a doctor is tarzine it matches trhe descritption exactly and from what i can tell the ingredients in your phentremine are not the same but a scam that is trying to be like the prescribtion drug phentermine

3 REPLIES Updated in Phentermine

white oblong tablet ## what is Watson 782 used for. i hear it is a form of tenuate, but checked other sights and it stated it is for reducing blood pressure? ## I've been using this pill for 3 weeks now. Believe it or not it really does work I've lost 15 pounds since I started it. It's a weight lost pill; one of the side effects is high blood pressure. DIETHYLPROPION HCL CR 75 MG is what I have on the bottle. From what I understand there is two different pills that you can take. One is three a day and this one is one a day. ## Steve's identification is correct, the name brand for this would be Tenuate. This is a stimulan drug, approved as an appetite suppressant. Some of the most common side effects include: insomnia, nausea, blurred vision and metallic taste.

3 REPLIES Updated in Tenuate

Blue round pill with moon like shape on one side and a 3 and 5 number on other side. ## I also found a pill sounding just like it on the floor of the bathroom yesterday after a party. What it is and what does it do? ## Were you ever able to determine what the round blue pill with a 1/2 moon on one side and a 3 / 5 on the other was? I too am questioning this medication. ## Nevermind...While I believe there is an ecstasy pill that has a Half moon logo that is Round & blue, there is also an diet pill known as phendimetrazine (Bontril) that is similar. It is also Blue & Round w/ a crescent (half) moon on one side & the opposite side is scored in an x formation labeled with a 3 & 5 ## Meshell is correct, this is a 35mgs Phendimetrazine tablet, generic for Bontril.

4 REPLIES Updated in Phendimetrazine

From mexico should be phentermine it is yellow or orange round and has a six sided mark on the pill hexagon shape marking? ## Sorry, there is no comprehensive database of Mexican drug markings, like there is for those approved in the U.S. So there is no way to be certain what you have gotten. In addition, acquiring them in this manner is illegal.

1 REPLY Updated in Phentermine

I experienced hair loss while taking raductil. Please advise… ## I have experienced hair loss in the center of my head, constant urination, and tenderness on my clitoris when urinating. I am unable to hold my urine like I use to. other than that, I am noticeable loosing the weight...Please advise ## it is raductil good to loose wheight when I have overwheigt not obesity?

2 REPLIES Updated in Raductil

OVAL WHITE PILL WITH BLUE SPECKLES ## Do you mean Phentermine ? ## I just got a prescription for phenterine 37.5mg but I noticed on he tablet it has mp273 imprinted on a blue and white speckle tabet I have never seen can you give me some information if you are farmiliar whiit that kind of a tablet thankyou ## Lorena, Phentermine is available in generic and therefore, is made by many different companies. There are no rules saying that all pills with the same active ingredient have to look the same and they all must have unique markings so they can be identified according to drug, manufacturer and dosage. That said, this is just Phentermine 37.5mgs made by Mutual Pharmaceutical.

3 REPLIES Updated in Phentermine
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