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Can anyone give me the name of a clinic where I can get prescribed Acxion Fentermina? I have heard good things about this medication for weight loss but am not sure if there are nutritionists in my area that are able to prescribe it. ## You purchase them on bst? after a 2 yr struggle trying hard to lose the weight, I finally ordered acxion. I would have to admit, Its the sure thing, because I've tried them ALL. You are supposed to take one every morning upon waking up for 3 months. I lost all my weight ( 15 ibs. ) in the first 6 weeks though. I have had about 20 girlfriends share the same success as I. It was a miracle for me. They are made by a Mexican pharmacy called Medix. Good luck. ## Phentermine is an amphetamine class appetite suppressant used to help with weight loss. That s...

66 REPLIES Updated in Phentermine

I have an oval white pill with tiny blue dots that's said to be used for weight loss. Is this Acxion Fentermina? ## Sorry, this is a foreign med, not approved or available in the US, so I cannot find any information for you. ## what effects does fentremina have? and what is it used for?Does it work? ## i want to know some research on this pills because i have a friend that takes this pills and i am scared that they may be dangerous. ## these pills are prescription drugs available here in the united states also. they are weight loss pills and they do work. my cousin has lost 40 lbs with them. the dr recommended them for her obesity and its obviously working along with healthy eating and little excercise. dont worry if they were prescribed to her then she will be fine. i do know that ...

8 REPLIES Updated

I have been taking Fentermina/Axcion 30mg faithfully since April 2008 when I was 32 yrs old and weighed in at 185 lbs. I'm 33 yrs old now and to this day I weigh 147 lbs. I haven't been this small since 2005. At the beginning I used to have really bad side effects such as really bad migraines, insomnia and so forth. Now a days, I only have dry mouth and am very thirsty. My headaches aren't as bad as they used to be and my insomnia either. I have no complaints especially because it's helped me suppress my appetite and helped me lose so much weight. I have been taking 30 mg and take it once a day in the morning and by the time I'm ready to go to bed, I'm drained and ready to go to sleep with no problems. ## I'm trying to get a RX for some phentermine in the 37....

128 REPLIES Updated in Phentermine

I'm currently on week 3 of Contrave (2 pills in the AM/1 in the PM). When should I possibly be noticing a decrease in appetite/cravings? Evenings are the worst for me, and I'm finding absolutely NO decrease in my desire to eat. Am I being too impatient? I was on Phentermine for 4 months, and had lost 30 lbs. I had started to plateau, and that's why my Dr. switched me to Contrave. Since I started with this medication, I've gained 8-10 lbs. because my evening appetite is back. I'm currently on a diet/exercise program where I'm eating typically 1000-1200 calories per day. ## I am having the exact same problem. If anyone can help answer this question I'm willing to listen. ## Regarding when Contrave starts working, I think the answer is going to be quite differen...

22 REPLIES Updated in Contrave

my son came out positive to bzo...he says he was given pills to loose weight and he gave them to me they have a dch with a little matrix above the c. has anyone heard about this or seen this before. I wish you can help me...many thanks ## Hello, KB! How are you? Yes, from what I can find, these are listed as being weight loss pills from Mexico, but I can't find anything stating what the specific ingredients are… However, what I do know is that the FDA issue recent warnings on several of these products, due to the fact that they contained a potentially dangerous combination of ingredients, including Benzodiazepines, which carry the risk of being habit forming and are very commonly abused. I'll keep looking and see if I can find more definitive information for you. Have you ...

11 REPLIES Updated in Phentermine

The label says 'phentermine' but it is a small round pink pill. I have searched many databases but most phentermine pills are white and blue. Can anyone help me identify this pill? ## Are there any markings on the tablet? If there aren't, it is going to be impossible to positively identify it. There are just far too many possibilities. It could be an over the counter item or a supplement. I am sorry, I wish I could be of more help. ## There are no details on the pill but I do know it is an appetite suppressent and the bottle said phentermine ## My friend has just come back from a slimwise clinic she has been given some round pink pills and there are no markings but have phentermine on the front ## hi i am taking the same pills small round pink tablets with no markings but wa...

418 REPLIES Updated in Phentermine

Tomei Dinintel cerca de 20 anos. Acham que posso dizer algo sobre o assunto?!... Ah! E se alguém me puder providenciar Dinintel, eu compro. Já agora: Há libertação de H2O, O2 e 2Cl-, se bem me lembro. Não é Anfetamina nem causa dependência. ...Quando dizem que tomaram ás 50 capsulas, logo se deduz que são primários e o Dinintel não é adequado a eles!... Trabalha por fazes... Todavia o abuso não é aconselhado (...) logo, como ex.: se houver privação de sono. ## I would like to buy dinintel---any secure site? ## ESTRADA DOS ARCOS, EDF MÁRIO GOMES BLOCO B, 1º ESQ 4950-438 MONÇÃO PORTUGL ## gostava de comprar dinintel- sou de portugal. alguem sabe onde? ## Vende Diintel? Se sim, como pos...

43 REPLIES Updated in Dinintel

Pink pill with BI62 ## Would like information on availability. Or is it still made? ## It is still available in the US, most commonly sold under the brand name Bontril. ## Im looking for a doctor that will give me bi62 for weight loss . I took this pill over 20 yrs ago. it was great. ## I would like to get some pink pills BI-62 over the counter. ## Dont confuse phenmetrazine with phendimetrazine. The first is the active ingredient in Preludin (long ago discontinued due to abuse). Phendimetrazine is the active ingredient in Bontril (close cousin to the phenmetrazine but a schdule III controlled medication with much less abuse potential and available freely under many different names). ## I HAVE TRIED EVERY WEIGHT LOSS PROGAM PRODUCT THERE IS AND THE BI62 Was the onlt product that seemed ...

24 REPLIES Updated in Phendimetrazine

I have taken phentermine several times and always had great results. I was prescribed phentermine 37.5 mg a few weeks ago and it doesn’t seem to be working. It has absolutely no effect on me. I still have an appetite, no increase in energy and haven’t lost any weight. I cannot seem to figure out what is going on this time and why it’s not working but it’s driving me insane and I have major anxiety over why it’s not working. Anyone have an experience like this? ## Is this prescription phentermine or the knock offs found on the Internet ? ## It is prescription. I have also gotten the same prescription from the same pharmacy before. ## Hello Riggsbo, According to the National Institute of Health phentermine should only assist in depressing your appetite and wi...

6 REPLIES Updated in Phentermine

I have been on the 2 pills in morning and evening for a week and a half. All of a sudden I started getting so dizzy I couldn't stand and my right arm shakes like crazy once in a while. Is this normal? I have had to miss a couple days of work because I was so dizzy. I stopped taking it a few days ago but I still have the same problems. How long till it stops? ## It may take several days for your symptoms to subside, but you should consult your doctor to be sure whether they have been caused by the medication, or if something else is going on. The FDA lists the typical side effects of Contrave as possibly including nausea, headache, appetite loss, and nervousness. Ref: Contrave Information How are you doing, now? Has there been any change?

1 REPLY Updated in Contrave

I was on Phentermine for years, which I know isn't how it's designed, but every time I relocated the doctor asked for a list of my current meds and I put it on there, so it kept cycling. In addition, I am on a few bipolar meds and Adderall. Approximately six months ago, my doctor decided that it was time to stop the Phentermine as it was a short-term drug and I had been on it for years. I was so scared of weight gain as Geodon was adding enough pounds alone. It took nearly four months to taper fully off. My experience (and for many people I know) is that when you begin Adderall it decreases your appetite, but that doesn't last forever. I'm getting a bit of my appetite back (I'm not restricting or starving myself) but I think I could be doing better or how I was doing...

2 REPLIES Updated in Phentermine

Are these german diet drops still available? I know they worked. I knew a German gal in 1980. ## Yes, it's now called Alvalin. It costs €25 - I tried to get a prescription but they like to check your vitals before prescribing it. It will elevate blood pressure but it can be taken with blood pressure meds. ## I was in Germany in the 1990's and I use to go to a German Dr to get the b12 drops, but it comes in pill form too. ## From what I've been reading across other related threads here, these X112 diet drops stopped being available many years ago. It's interesting though that when something works really well it seems to either get banned or pulled from the market, only to be replaced by inferior alternatives with just as many if not more side effects. Has anyone man...

9 REPLIES Updated

Need doctor prescribed adipex near Sandusky Ohio ## Got one in Elyria, oh Dr. Benit $115 for the first visit, then 60 for the following. He also gives B-12 if so desired. ## Thanks so much for helping. . ## Need a prescribing doctor, Houston Tx, Metformin I am not diabetic but can not lose weight and have heard this helps some people. ## Need a real doctor to prescribe phentermine for perimenopause weight gain yikes! Doctor in nyc would be so great. Please post if you have a name. ## Hello! Looking for a prescribing doctor in the Cleveland Ohio area 50 mile radius is great. Please help, I have moved and do not kmow where to start here. THANKS GUYS AND GALS!! ## Do you have to make an appointment with him? Because it says walk in dr. Also, does he give you the pills or do you have to go ...

18 REPLIES Updated in Adipex

I have been taking adderall for ADD for a few years now and all the appetite suppressant effects associated with adderall are no longer there for me. Since phentamine is in the same class with Adderall, would it be pointless to take phentamine as an appetite suppressant or will phentamine still be able to help me with a decreased desire to eat?. ## Hello, PinkSlay! How are you? Actually, it really wouldn't be safe to take both. They both can cause accelerated heart rate and elevated blood pressure, so combining them may be dangerous. Have you consulted your doctor? ## I took both for a few years until my doctor wised up and thought better of having me on two stimulants at once. Then the phentermine went out the door. The appetite curbing aspect of Adderall wears off after a period o...

2 REPLIES Updated in Phentamine

I was prescribed Phentermine 15 mg capsules....on the bottle it says Phentermine generic for Phentermine HCL...I have never taken a med of this type & I am kinda scared... Can anyone help me with what it contains and if there are any really bad side effects and is it slow release? I need to lose 30 lbs. ## Hello, Dawn! How are you? Phentermine is the active ingredient, it is used to aid in weight loss. The FDA warns that it carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, nervousness and insomnia. And no, it is a regular release medication. Can anyone that's taken it chime in with their experience? ## Dawn, Well, it's been several years since your post, so you prob have it figured out by now. But, i'll write anyway....

2 REPLIES Updated in Ionamin

Hi this is Indu 30 yrs old my weight is 85 kg how to reduce. ## Hii can I loss my weight with ebexid ## I believe you are describing the European equivalent of America's " Qsymia" brand medication ? And the manufacturer is Vivus ? It comes in 4 dosages 3.5, 7., 11. and 15 phentermine w/higher dosages of topomax included as the other ingredient , correct ? If so, what is your question, perhaps I may be of some help as I've been using it , myself. ## Just chiming in... thta's what I proposed to my doctor when Qysmia was too expensive. We created our own with 37.5 phentermine and I think 50 Topomax. Worked well until he decided that I had been on phentermine too long (it's a short term med,) and also thought that I diddn't need two stimulants (Adderall) in my bo...

3 REPLIES Updated in Qsymia

I need to know how to stop taking contrave. Can I just quit cold turkey or do I wean off? If I wean off how do I do it? ## Hello, Janice! How are you? How long have you been taking it? Why do you want to stop it? The FDA lists Contrave as being used to aid in weight loss and its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, nervousness, insomnia and anorexia. Have you consulted your doctor? It does require slow tapering for some people. ## I was looking up how to wean myself off of Contrave and found this comment on here. I've been taking Confrave for about a month or so. I just started the 2 pills in the morning and 2 pills at night dose Sunday (today is Friday). I've felt horrible all week since increasing it. Hot flashes in my face, horrible nausea, glands some...

163 REPLIES Updated in Contrave

I took lexamil for 3 months and gradually came off it. Now almost a month after i no longer take lexamil i have noticed that i am gaining weight rapidly and feeling bloated and uncomfortable all the time. Weight gain has occurred even though i am dieting and exercising currently. Please help ## Since you have already stopped the Lexamil, and you're experiencing the weight gain, and bloating, over a month after, it is most likely unrelated to the medication. Ref: Lexamil Information Has anything else changed in your lifestyle, or eating habits, recently? It could also be a natural change due to aging, our bodies do change with time. Are you on any other medications?

1 REPLY Updated

Hi everyone. I'm new to phentermine (today will be the 4th half of a 37.5 MG pill) and I must say it's giving me some energy. I've had a couple palpitations but nothing horrible. I've got weird back pain, like in the kidney area bilateral sides of my back. It's not constant and usually occurs in the morning. I certainly don't want kidney problems but didn't really see that listed in side effects. Just checking to see if anyone else may have had it and whether you stopped the medication? ## I didn't see anything listed about Phentermine causing any kidney issues, either, typical side effects are listed as possibly including nausea, anorexia, insomnia, frequent urination, and elevated blood pressure. However, it is always best to consult your doctor to be s...

7 REPLIES Updated in Phentermine

What are the most common side effects of Dinintel? I also want to know if the drug is indeed as good as they say it is? ## Dinintel contains the active ingredient Clobenzorex, it is a stimulant that is used as a appetite suppressant to aid in weight loss. As to its effectiveness, just like any other drug, there are people that get great results from using it, but there are other people that it doesn't work for. The only way to know if something will help you is to try it and see. It can cause side effects, such as: nausea, insomnia, headache and elevated heart rate and blood pressure. Are there any other questions or comments? ## Yes it is extremely effective for wight loss. Your appetite becomes almost non existent and food cravings disappear. Additionally, it gives you a huge ener...

42 REPLIES Updated in Dinintel
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