Chronic Paroxysmal Hemicrania (Top voted first)


I have recently been diagnosed with Chronic Paroxysmal Hemicrania i am currently taking both difen and verapamil. Does anybody know whether certain foods can trigger these headaches?

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No, research hasn't shown any specific causes or triggers associated with these headaches.

Some people who get migraines, sometimes have certain food triggers, but this has never been shown with these.

My suggestion would be to just pay attention to what you eat and drink and see for yourself if something triggers them. Such triggers are usually unique to the person, anyway. Where I get headaches from beer, you may not and while chocolate doesn't bother me, it may trigger them in you.

CPH is usually treated with the NSAIDs, like the Dicolfenac in the Difen and the calcium channel blockers, Verapamil.

Diclofenac side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, headaches and stomach irritation.


Side effects for Verapamil can include: nausea, dizziness, headache and stomach pain.

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When I was diagnosed with cph, the doctor gave me the list of "migraine foods" to avoid, put me on indomethacin...and in three days I was better...I stayed off the foods, eventually he began stress counseling and I was able to take the medicine "as needed" and then not at all. Slowly I tested one food at a time to see which triggered and which did not -- usually most are ok, unless I am experiencing stress...some are not ok at all/ever. This is the list he gave me:
beer, red wine, gin, champagne
anything pickled or preserved or processed, including
processed meats
aged cheeses
tomato sauce and juice
yogurt (but not frozen yogurt!)
ice cream
sour cream

I know - makes it hard - but it was worth it to ditch them all...I felt so much better that the trade off was easy, though some were my "comfort foods" and what I reached for when I had a headach....some I cannot ever eat (beer, tomato juice, red wine, champagne) and some I have to work to stay away from, some don't seem to cause a problem, but when I am in pain, I avoid them all.

My hospital stay pre-diagnoses was in 1985...I've had really good periods of remission - stress is my biggest trigger...bigger than any food product.

Good luck...

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My husband started taking Verapamil ER 120 mg 7 days ago. He was diagnosed with Vasospasm of the reitnal artery, he is healthy,in great shape and has never needed to take medication his whole life (he is 40). Can someone tell me how long before the side effects subside. He is always tired and gets headaches all day long?

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

ive tried all the diets and none of them helped the only thing that works is the pills i feel sorry for you having this really sucks

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