Cancer Forums (Page 39)

Recently active Cancer forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Cancer and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.
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would like to know when casadex is going to be available in generic form ## The standard proprietary drug term is 18 years, this one came on the market in 1995, so there will be, at least, 5 more years, before a generic will become available.

1 REPLY Updated in Casodex

chemotherapy drug ## hi i am an editor in medical transcription. there is lot of confusion about how to write carbotaxol. please let me know how exactly it is written in medical transcription. ## Sorry, this is an information site and do not have any medical transcriptionists who work here. ## round of chemo: carboplatin + taxol + avastin

3 REPLIES Updated in Carboplatin

Hi all, I'm interested in your opinions on this. I have MS.I also have rather severe Psoriasis. PA got pretty damn awful tbh. So I've went for Metho usage and I have Inter. as I mentioned. Now the concern , at the time, was my immune system being lowered, could potentially cause me to have another episode(MS progression).:/ But as I've said the pain was awful.Enough for me to risk further disability. Does anyone have any thoughts as to wether I should be worried besides what I've mentioned? ## No replies.:( it'm now upto 15mg of metho.I wanted to get the relief from psoriatic arthritis 7 days.That seems to be accomplished with no new symptoms. Fingers crossed.

1 REPLY Updated in Methotrexate

I have relative in Indonesia need to have Trisenox urently, where to buy this drug ## I doubt very much that you can just purchase this medication since it is a toxic cancer med. You have to have a special type of prescription to get it filled. If your relative is not in the country I doubt this could happen. Sometimes though, doctors are able to collaberate between the countries and work it out. Have you thought of talking to your family doctor who could then speak to an oncologist, who could talk to your relative's doctor in Indonesia? ## If it is not available in Indonesia, it might not be approved for use there and may be illegal to try to get it in to them, so your best option is to double check with them and their doc and make sure, before trying to supply it or find it. Other...

2 REPLIES Updated in Arsenic Trioxide

rev on the side is all that appears on capsule ## This is a medication that is rarely used. It is called lenalidomide capsules or brand name Revlimid, 10mg. It is used to help a person NOT need blood transfusions. The side effects are a mile long. You can only get this medication if it is authorized through a certain medical group. Your doctor has to get it preauthorized. Where did you get such a medication? It is used for transfusion-dependent anemia.

1 REPLY Updated in Lenalidomide

Are there any side effects when taking this medication ? ## Yes, every medication has side effects, from Tylenol to Narcotics. ## You got that right! However, not all people experience side effects. For example, I cannot take NSAIDS because I get an almost immediate stomach bleed, but my other siblings have absolutely no side effects to them at all. Were you thinking of a particular medication and possible side effects?

2 REPLIES Updated in Arimidex

chemotherapy in a pill form ## To my knowledge Tarceva is farily new and is still going through clinical trials. Found this on another page: Q. What is Tarceva? A. Tarceva is a pill you take by mouth to treat Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC). Tarceva is approved to treat locally advanced or metastatic NSCLC after at least one prior chemotherapy regimen has not worked. Q. How does Tarceva work? A. Tarceva is a targeted treatment. It is designed to block tumor cell growth by targeting a protein called HER1/EGFR. This protein, which is present on the surface of some cancer cells and some normal cells, is important for cell growth in NSCLC. Exactly how Tarceva works is not yet fully understood; however, clinical trial results have proven that, in some patients, Tarceva can be effective in...

1 REPLY Updated in Tarceva

87 yo independent active female recovering from total hip replacement. Had 4 vessel CABG last year. Has CAD, CHF. Depression, CO~45%,minor Basal Ganglia CVA and developing renal failure. Weight loss of >40 lbs in past year. No appetite, muscle wasting disuse atrophy, anemic. Marinol not as effective appetite stimulant and she is sensitive to mental status changes on Marinol increasing probability of falling again. Need safest appetite stimulant to nourish muscle mass to regain strength to weight bear/ambulate in PT for independence at home or even with assistance of only1 person.

Updated in Megace
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