Can You Sue A Hospital For Inhumane Treatment? (Top voted first)


I am a 51 yr. old female and I have been diagnosed with Metabolic myopathy and I have also had back surgery. I live with constant muscle and back pain. What I find hard to believe is that some people seem to get meds so easily and the people that need them the most can't. I live in a moderately sized town in MI and our local hospital is like the medical mafia. It is beyond ridiculous, they have every doctor in this town under their thumb and terrified to write a script for pain meds, even though I have my medical and pharmacy records. I am so pissed. I have been unable to work for almost 2 years have been through my life savings and I am now dead broke. My Doctor retired, no one took over his practice and to make matters worse for the last month I have been so sick I am barely able to walk to the bathroom. I can't even take care of myself. I have no health insurance anymore. Anyhow this illness started with this really bad smell in my nose then I had vomiting diarrhea stomach & back pain, so weak I was unable to walk. Each time I went to the hospital (4 times total) once they found out I had taken pain meds on a regular basis, they considered me to be some kind of a junkie and without insurance they bounced me. I kept trying to tell them I was there because I was sick to no avail. So every day for the last 4 weeks I lay on the couch rocking crying suffering unimaginably. Each time I felt I couldn't take anymore I would go back to the hospital, again no help. Now the last trip I went in and they put me in the with the nut cases, this a**hole doctor comes in, slouches in the chair says "Whats the problem?" again I told my story and honest to god he was the worst doctor yet. He never even looked at me. Well long story short is after 4 hours of laying there feeling like i was gonna die this Jerk orders a shot of toradol & tries to cut me loose. Now each visit I have told them all my symptoms and so I say to him could I at least be checked for a sinus infection? He says, no way to check for that. So I asked for some antibiotics anyway. Another hour the nurse finally brings the script. Well I start the antibiotics and Wallah!! I had my answer! I am starting to feel better no thanks to those Bastards at the hospital. I basically had to diagnose myself and ask for my own medicine but I can't begin to tell you how unbelievable it is that I had to lay and feel like I was dying for 4 weeks when one little prescription could have spared me all that agony. I blame them. What they did to me was wrong on so many levels. I have never felt so sick in my life, I was truly afraid. So what I want to know is this ethical? Can they do this to people without repercussions? They had no right and I wish I could sue the pants off them for pain & suffering, any opinions?

3 Replies

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Hello, Acceb! How are you feeling? I am very sorry about what you've been through.

But no, you have no grounds. They actually do not have to treat you, run any tests or prescribe anything, unless you are in life threatening danger. As long as you are stable, they can send you home, without doing anything.

I know this isn't what you want to hear and I'm not saying I don't sympathize with you, because I full do, I am just laying out the facts of the matter.

Do you have a new PCP, yet? They would be much more helpful in such a situation.

Does anyone else have any ideas or suggestions?

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You can't sue a hospital or dr for not giving you pain meds. You need to get a copy of your medical records from your old dr. No one is going to give you pain meds without medical proof of a legimate diagnosis. And even then, it will depend on if the dr thinks you need the pain meds to help with your activities of daily living.

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Hello, Just wanted to say thanks for the answer, at least it's nice to think someone in this world cares. And your right, it wasn't so much about suing them as it was just wanting somebody to under stand the level of misery I'm in. One way or the other it will kill me because I am at the point of considering suicide. I think I've tried everything else. Actually even though I can sit up now (for a bit) I still have the same pain in my head and pressure in my ears. Constant drip like water down my throat. The weird thing is it's making my left side go numb. Starts at the center of my spine and goes all the way around to the breastbone and stops. It's causing hypersensitivity in my stomach all the way down to my bladder. My left foot and hand feels numb as does my face, teeth and jaw. It like strains my shoulder muscles to the point that it feels like they are gonna fall off. (also I had back surgery in 2009, spinal fusion) Now all this sounds crazy even to me, but the one thing I know is that I can't take this level of pain every single day. People have me questioning my own sanity. Now if I could force my self to get better I would, but i can't. Something is terribly wrong here. My heart rate falls to 43 never goes over 60, my blood pressure is all over the place, I can't eat or sleep and I've lost like 15 lbs. I don't know where to turn for help. I have no one and I don't even feel well enough to try anymore. The only thing helping right now is laying down curled up in a ball. Well I can't spend the rest of my life like this and everything I have tried gets me nowhere. I'm sick of feeling sick and I don't think I have any options left. I just can't live with it anymore, but I appreciate your post. Thank you.

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