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Recently active Bipolar Disorder forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Bipolar Disorder and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.
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I use epilin cr 500. Is it the same as epitec 50? My doctor changed it so I want to know if I can use it. ## I am taking 300 mg epitec for bipolar disorder. Can I take epilim instead ## Hello Frikkie, I wasn't able to pull up much information on the epitec 50 but I was able to see that it's main active ingredient is Lamotrigine where as the Epilim 500 contains the active ingredient sodium valproate. This means that the two medications are not the same, however, they are both used to treat the same conditions. These medications are both used to treat epilepsy and mental conditions with episodes of overactivity, elation or irritability. These medications may be prescribed to individuals with bipolar disorders. I hope this information helps. Let me know if there is anything else I ...

2 REPLIES Updated in Lamotrigine

I was a alcoholic & drug addict from 1980 to 1991. medication was started in 1985 . I was put on tegretol 600 & risnia 10 . Later it was changed to respond 10 &oxetol 600 . other tablets betacab 20 & parking. Before it was morning & night dosages going as high as oxetol 900 . Now i take all tablets at night. Side effects are reduced but have them. I have been a teetotaler from 1991 to this day but medication has not stopped. Please advice ## I am from India, Karnataka state, Mangalore city. I was prescribed these medications. First 15 years I was on tegretol 600 & risnia 10. I got detoxed 4 times. Once for one year, when I made up my mind to stop ganja, brown sugar injections & tidijesic injections. And also one bottle of rum I used to have daily for 11 years...

2 REPLIES Updated in Tegretol

I have a drug test Wednesday at the parole office and took 2 tegretol. Will it show up? ## I have been taking tegretol and it has been coming back as a barbituate. I don't take anything except that. ## is showing up on mine as a barbituate as well.

2 REPLIES Updated in Tegretol

whats the difference between tegretol 400mg LP retard and tergretol CR 400mg prolonged release ## They are the same, just different names used for it in a few different countries. Learn more Tegretol details here. However, they are considered interchangeable. Is there anything else I can help with? ## HAT IS THE SIDE EFFECT OF TACKING SOLIAN 400mg and heptamyl 178.5 and tregatol 400mg and parikzol and traxene 10mg.for long period . ## I am taking Tegretol -XR 400 mg twice a day for about 30 plus years as a maintenance medication for seizure control. I do not have any seizure attack since then. Because of price , I am considering to change TEGRETOL CR 400 mg dose, but I am skeptical see, if it works. Both medications are made by NOVARTIS company, however I can not get the chemical compos...

5 REPLIES Updated in Tegretol

Lmfao Ive found my one and only well probably as close as I'll ever get. I take kolnapin for panic and anxiety and A anti depressant mood stabilizer because I'm bipolar 1 with ptsd and I take blood thinners because I've had 2 strokes and like 4-5 days ago had a "mini stroke" and I also have epilepsy so let throw one more in the mix for fun ## I’m surprised I haven’t had a stroke but taking coverall for bp, Atorvastatin & Omerprazole I believe are cholesterol. Epilepsy’s been under control since I began Morphine. I’ve blamed everything on it since I was fine as far as my weight and appetite goes. No arthritiseither. Just your average junkie that detox programs never helped although a mild depressing or atleast a look at the idea may have he...

2 REPLIES Updated in Atorvastatin

I have trigeminal neuralgia and my doctor ordered 200mg tegretol two times a day. After day 2 of taking this medicine, I noticed nose bleeds and bleeding from lower areas that are not supposed to bleed. Anyway, wondering how long it will take to get out of my system and would there be any lingering effects that I'd need to see the doctor again for? Oh, and where the heck is this blood coming from? I have no insurance and pay cash for each visit so I am trying to be cheap here! ## Hello, Laura! How are you? I'm sorry about the problem that you're having. This medication has been known to cause blood in the urine and stool, as reported by the FDA, though that is a very rare side effect. You may also experience rapid weight gain, trembling, nausea, dizziness and trouble concent...

9 REPLIES Updated in Tegretol

History of mildly atypical reactions to anti psychotics and anti convolsants. Bipolar I. Took recommended dose provided by GP, proceeded to have first manic episode which lasted a week and had devasta ting results. Unsure whether the catalyst was the brain chemistry, the environment or a potential unknown with regards to Millerspas use for Bipolar patients. Any information would be greatly appreciated!


capsule,yellow and gray,imprint westward and3189 ## DESCRIPTION Each capsule for oral administration contains 150 mg or 300 mg of lithium carbonate. In addition, each capsule contains the following inactive ingredient: Talc. Capsule shell for the 150 mg potency contains: Gelatin and Titanium Dioxide. Capsule shell for the 300 mg potency contains: D&C Yellow #10, FD&C Green #3, FD&C Red #40, FD&C Yellow #6, Gelatin and Titanium Dioxide. Capsule shell for the 600 mg. potency contains: Titantium Dioxide, Gelatin and FD & C Red #40. The printing ink contains: D&C Yellow #10, FD&C Blue #1, FD&C Blue #2, FD&C Red #40, n-Butyl Alcohol, Pharmaceutical Glaze, Propylene Glycol, SDA-3A Alcohol, and Synthetic Black Iron Oxide. Lithium Carbonate is a white, light,...

2 REPLIES Updated in Lithium

APO 200 ## The pill in description is Carbamazepine (200 mg). To view information about this drug, please click on the link below... Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do. ## White pill sml circular side a c numbrr split 73 side b .., ## Thank you for the help. You identified the carbamazepine 200 (white tablet with apo 11 the other tablets are the same size but are stamped taro-ll . They both came in the same bottle (carbamazepine), they were from a Humana mail order so I can't ask the druggist. Are they the same thing? Thank you so much.

3 REPLIES Updated in Carbamazepine

I've been taking Amoxi-Clav 875mg 2 times a day along with 450 mg of Wellbutrin, 300 mg of Lithium and 600 mg of Seroquel. Are there any bad side effects I should be aware of? ## The Amoxi-Clav is just a generic for the antibiotic Augmentin, which is used to treat various types of bacterial infections. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, headache, and non-allergic skin rash. Though the FDA also warns that taking them together might make these side effects more severe. How are you doing on them? Have you had any serious issues?

1 REPLY Updated in Lithium

I am taking Tegretol XR and just got prescribed Suboxone. Will there be and negative interactions? ## i am taking tegretol and have just began taking suboxone. what are any adverse reactions, if any? ## The U.S. FDA does warn that there could be some dangerous issues from combining the 2, such as respiratory distress, coma, or death. Not all are that serious, of course, those are the worst case scenario symptoms. Other issues might include nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, headache, and sedation. How are you doing taking them both?

2 REPLIES Updated in Tegretol

I had a false positive for amphetimine. I take tegretol, lithium, lamictyl, neurontin, geodon. wellbutrin, viibryd, zocor, synthroid, backlofin, klonipin. What I really want to know is which medication or combo of medications listed could make me come up with a false positive. ## I take 800- 1200 mg daily of tegretol. I recently had to do a pre access drug test for work and tested positive for methamphetamine. Is it possible that my prescription caused this ? ## I went to court today and tested positive for methamphetamine and I hate that drug. So my urine was sent to a lab for further information but I take benzonatate 100MG cap, methylpred 4MG pak, Diclofenac 75MG DR Tab, hydrocod/ACETA 5-325 MG TAB, AZITHROMYCIN 250MG PAK, CYCLOBENZAPR 10MG TAB, PROAIR HFA AER. WILL THIS MAKE A 7 PAN...

4 REPLIES Updated in Tegretol

Olanzapine and Fluoxetine HCI Capsules 6 MG/25 MG ## I take symbyax 3/25 and it helps me tremendously but it does cause my Rheumatoid arthritis to flare. I have to take amoxicillin with it to ward off the flares. Does anyone else have these conditions, bipolar and RA? ## This medication is most commonly used to treat depression, and other mental health conditions. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, weight changes, mood swings, and headache. It triggering RA is very unusual. In most cases, when an antibiotic is required, the RA flare has been caused by some type of infection, not a medication. Have you had this checked out by your doctor?

2 REPLIES Updated in Symbyax

round 200mg ## I have a friend who has been disgnosed as bipolar. Problems with lithium and was given serequil today to take one before bedtime. Does anyone have any comments about this drug? He is having hard enough time with meds and dreads side effects. Thanks. ## The active ingredient in Seroquel is Quetiapine, an atypical antipsychotic. Unfortunately, all medications have the potential to cause side effects, especially mental health meds to treat psychoses. This is probably one of the reasons his doctor is having him take it at night, this will help minimize the amount of side effects he feels, since, until his body adjusts to the medication, he will sleep through most of them. Some of the most common side effects for this medication include: drowsiness, headache, dry mouth and con...

3 REPLIES Updated in Lithium

After taking tegretol i had liver failure and was told i had hep c. I cleared the hep c with a viral load every time i have a flare up of the liver tegretol can cause toxic hepatitis. Now im told im in stage four liver disease in 7 month time. ## Tegretol can and will cause toxic hepatitis which in no time causes cirrosis which then come down to a liver transplant. When tegretol is prescrible the Dr. needs to run a test to see if you carry a certain enzyme. This is one perscription that can be deadly not only with toxic hepatitis but other deadly diseases also. Make sure if starting this prescription you are aware of the symtoms of liver failure or other diseases developing. ## Will taking the generic - carbamazepine - cause it too? I see my neuro 2 x a year. how many times should i be ...

5 REPLIES Updated in Tegretol XR

Hi, My wife is 5 months pregnant, and pregnancy is identified as twins, but my wife is on OXETOL 150 (1 - 0 -1), i would like to know side effects on the same. Thanks in advance. ## Oxetol contains the active ingredient Oxcarbazapine, it is an anticonvulsant that is also used as a mood stabilizer. As to its use during pregnant, studies in pregnant animals showed some toxicity and developmental abnormalities, but there have been no controlled studies done in humans. However, many are concerned about its possible risk, because it is very closely related to the medication Carbamazepine, which is known to be teratogenic in humans. Has she talked to her doctor? She really should do so, because it is vital that they evaluate and possible risks and benefits of her continued use of the medicati...

9 REPLIES Updated in Carbamazepine

it is a white pill, circular, it is scored on one side the other side only says APO 200 no scoring on the side with the imprints ## WANT TO KNOW WHAT THERE USED FOR?WHAT SYMPTOMS ## Apotex Corp lists this tablet as containing 200mgs of Carbamazepine, which is an anticonvulsant that is most commonly used to treat, or prevent seizures caused by epilepsy. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, mood changes, and weight changes. Is there anything else I can help with?

2 REPLIES Updated in Carbamazepine

Found some pills from Mexico with the name carbamazepina. I'm trying to figure out what they are and what they are used for? Any help would be appreciated... TIA ## Carbamazepine is an anticonvulsant that is used to prevent seizures, and to treat certain mood disorders. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, mood changes, and weight changes. My husband takes a medication related to this to control his epileptic seizures, it's called Oxcarbazepine, and it works wonderfully for him. Is there anything I can help with?

1 REPLY Updated in Carbamazepine

My Son is now 4and half yrs old. He had Convergence when he was one yr old and second time when he was 2 and half yrs old in which he has fever of more than 103 degree and his eyes were wide and teeth and body was still. Doctors asked us to go for EEG which was abnormal and since he is 2 and half he is being taking Valparin 200 which is recommended by the doctors and he has to take for sometime more may be till he is 5 yrs old. Doctors had told us that after taking Valparin he will become implusive, Now my son has become very implusive, restless, short tempered, impatient etc. Please let me know if it is sife effect of Valparin 200 and also we want to know after stopping Valparin what will be the affect, Whenever he gets fever it immediately goes in the brain and he has convergence. Aft...

21 REPLIES Updated in Folvite

My friend went to urgent care and they called her and said she tested positive for lithium. She doesn't take lithium but is on trazodone, seroquel, depakote, prozac, amitriptyline, minipress, chantix and gabapentin. ## I don't know of a drug that tests positive for lithium, but there is a particular vial used for collecting blood samples that has a green cap and contains lithium and heparin. (It keeps blood from clotting, which is sometimes important.) A demonstration of this was done using volunteers who had never taken any psychiatric drugs. In the vials the lithium/heparin, volunteers' Lithium levels were as high as 4 mmol/L. That's considered a seriously toxic level, which would have led to all kinds of unnecessary measures if it had happened in an emergency room. Li...

1 REPLY Updated in Lithium
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