Anatripoline (Top voted first)


Could you please tell me if that drug is used to induce prolonged sleep to eliviate pain in the lower back vertebrae and discs.
Or if some other drug cocktail exists to achieve this. An earlier reply is appreciated. Thanks C

8 Replies

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I believe the medication you are referring to is Amitriptyline, a generic for Elavil. This is an antidepressant that sometimes helps people with mild to moderate pain.

It can cause drowsiness, but will not induce prolonged sleep.

I suggest speaking to your doctor to get ideas for what may help you.


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Thanks Verwon. A friend of mine suffers from severe back pain. He is undergoing this sleep treatment induced by a cocktail of drugs? He has been doing this for a week at home. Apart from nurses going in to check on him he wont let anyone near him. He will come off the drugs shortly, to be done gradually to avoid the risk of convulsions. Because of his medical back ground he is a doctor of medicine he was allowed to do this at home. I have my doubts. Like to check this out if I can. Someone suggested the drug Amitriptyline but obviously by what you are saying this is not the one.
Have you ever heard of this kind of treatment whereby people are sleep induced to eliviate severe pain in their back for more than a week? Thanks Lillie

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No, Lillie, I'm sorry, I haven't heard of that. It actually makes no sense to me, either. I suffer from a permanent spinal condition that often herniates my discs and laying down too much or sleeping on it does not help with the pain at all.

Most doctors usually tell you to sit up or stand for awhile, to take the pressure off of the spine. When you lay down, there is tremendous pressure on it, a little less with sitting, but not much.

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Thanks Verwon. Don't know what to believe now I am at a loss! Lillie

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I have to agree with you on that. A lot of times, it also takes movement to get the discs back where they belong, too. Laying around usually just makes it worse.

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My friend has fibromyaligia and is on 10mg Triploline to be taken at night. Her husband was a medic in the army and says it can have an effect on the heart and brain. Do you think she should seek other medication as she now has an irregular heartbeat and is suffering with depression and has pain from the syndrome. It was recommended by her GP to assist her to sleep.

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Re: Lyn (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Hi I’ve chronic sciatica like I can’t walk it’s that bad I was on gabapentin but weren’t doing a thing for me at all but done the procedure kept up with my daily excersise as told by the doctor and it made it much worse now I can’t even walk my dog I’m crippled with pain and I was giving an anatripoline today what the hell it’s an anti depressant

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