Aceclofenac Forums (Page 5)

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Combination of ZEROTOL TH4 medicine and its side effect, if any. ## Zerodol contains the active ingredient Aceclofenac, which is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory that's used to treat pain, fever and swelling. Its most common side effects are said to be: Diarrhea, nausea, indigestion, abdominal pain, dizziness and rash. Learn More: Aceclofenac Details May I ask which medication you're referring to with the abbreviation "TH4"?

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I would like to know the dosage for this drug for gouty arthritis pain and the side effects. ## Orthopadic doctor has prescribe Aceclofenac with paracetamol to cure back pain of my wife. Let me know the side effect of my wife and my 1 yr daughter as she has been taking breast feed. ## intake of large amounts of paracetamol and aceclofenac kills the important bacteria present in the liver intake at times does not cause any side effect ## I am using aceclofenac with paracetamol combination since long period.Did not find any noticeable adverse effect.But in last week one patient having low back pain came to me with c/o swollen lips & swollen eyelids after intake of aceclo-para with pntoprazole & domperidone as antacid.This adverse effect has not mentioned anywhere in text book as I...

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I m 26 years old. i have great pain in my knee. Doctor suggest me for Zerodol. I think i may be pregnant this month can i take Zerodol. please reply fast.... ## Zerodol contains the active ingredient Aceclofenac, which is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory that is used to treat pain, fever and swelling. And no, they are not generally considered safe during pregnancy. Learn more Aceclofenac details here. The best thing I can suggest is that you contact the doctor, inform them you are pregnant and request an alternative medication. Are there any other questions?

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I had a small injury on my nose and due to that swelling and pain around nose for this my physician suggested me Chymonac. I felt nausea, stomach irritation which is common side effects but I also felt heaviness in my legs and hands. Is it also among side.effects of Chymonac help shall I continue taking medicine or.not. ## Cymonac combines Aceclofenac, which is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory, with Paracetamol and Chymotrypsin. Learn more Aceclofenac details here. Learn more Paracetamol details here. Learn more Cymotrypsin details here. Exactly what do you mean by feeling heaviness? Did they feel weak, or was it something else? have you consulted your doctor?

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i was prescribed this drug by my surgeon after going for x-ray,ct scan and a diffrent doc did a full blood count test and was told i had rheumatoid athritis iwas given cartil forte,nexpro and zacy but i was also injected but all these were in vain i only came to realize the pain killer zacy helped ease the pain which causes ulcers so please help me out ## Zacy contains the active ingredient Aceclofenac, which is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory. Learn more Zacy details here. And while it may help with the pain, in the long run, it can cause stomach issues and cause ulcers, so it really isn't a good choice to use to treat them. Is there anything else I can help with?

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i am taking Altraday daily after the dinner...i am 22 yrs old female. i wnt to knw the side effetcs of dis medicine, coz i take several oder medincines due arthritis,back pain and weak bone density,with it. ## Altraday contains the active ingredient Aceclofenac, it is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory that's used to treat pain, fever and swelling. Its side effects may include nausea, headache, dizziness and stomach irritation. Learn more Aceclofenac details here. However, I can't tell you any specifics about its reactions with other medications, without knowing what those medications are. Can you post back with more details? If so, I'll gladly see what I can find for you! ## yupp sure..those medicines are-Dol-Proxyvon,Neurobion,Almity,Lefano,HCQS,Mega-Omega,Riconia-G. THANX

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i have back pain & i am using this medicine from 2days but no improvement is this correct medicine for back pain?? ## Ace-Proxyvon contains the active ingredients Aceclofenac, Paracetamol and Rabeprazol, which is used to treat pain, inflammation and fever. Learn more Paracetamol details here. Learn more Aceclofenac details here. Learn more Rabeprazole details here. So it can help with pain, but it is not a very strong analgesic. Have you tried anything else?

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WIll this tablet help a lady who is around 30 years old sufferring from calf pain from last 3-4 years. Will there be any side effects of it, if yes how sever it may be. ## What has your doctor advised? Dolokind is listed as containing the active ingredient Aceclofenac, which is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory that's used to treat pain, fever and swelling. Whether or not it will help you depends on what is causing your problem And yes, all medications carry the risk of side effects, but there's no way to know how severe they will be for any one that uses it. Side effects to this may include: nausea, headache, dizziness and stomach pain. Learn more: Are there any other questions or comments?

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I am suffering from piles, i have severe pain in my anel initially Dr prescribed signoflam two tables in a day but i continue up to 15 days what will be the side effects. Please suggest. ## Signoflam contains the active ingredients Aceclofenac and Paracetamol, it is used to treat pain, fever and swelling. Have you consulted your doctor about how long you should continue to take it? There can be some side effects to using these medications long-term, such as liver or stomach damage, but 15 days isn't really considered a long period of time. Learn more:

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uses of the tablets & side effects, age group to use it ## Zerodol contains the active ingredients Aceclofenac and Searratiopeptidase, it is used as an anti-inflammatory to treat pain and Arthritis symptoms. Side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, headache and stomach irritation. This combination is not used in the U.S. and I cannot find any information relevant to using it in certain age groups. However, elderly people can have stronger reactions to certain medications, so this should always be watched for. Has this been prescribed for you? ## sir, i want take a zerodol tablet. how to use this tablet pls inform about me. ## for how long one can take zerodol and how many tablets can be taken each day

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Will Periods Get Delayed If We Intake Too Much Of Zerodol. I HAD A MENICUS TEAR SO I INTOOK TOO MUCH OF ZERODAL ,AND MY PERIODS GETTING DELAYED FOR MORE THAN TWO WEEKS IS THAT BCZ OF ZERODOL ## Zerodol contains the active ingredient Aceclofenac, which is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory, so no, it shouldn't cause menstrual irregularities. Have you consulted your doctor? When you say you took too much, exactly how much do you mean?

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zerodol sp is usefull for gout pain relife? ## Zerodol SP contains the active ingredients Aceclofenac, Serratiopeptidase and Paracetamol, this combines several medications that help treat pain and swelling. Therefore, yes, it may be helpful for gout pain. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, headache and stomach irritation. Learn more: Are there any comments or questions? ## i have a growth in my external ear, i think it otitis externa. what would be the best medicine to get rid of it. ## This medicine is very good for our helath imd relief of pain to me, only with one tablet ## Side effects of protein capsules ## How long can I take the medicine - without any side effect. I also take Cardace 5 mg & Natrilux sr daily ; also take daflon for piles on sos basis and take...

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I would like to know more about Zerodol-P. ## Zerodol P contains the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories Aceclofenac and Paracetamol (Acetaminophen.) It is commonly used to treat mild pain, fever and swelling. Is there anything else I can help you with? ## I frequently get cold with heavy Ness in eyes . Not able to control . With lots sneezing. Is this symptom of allergic to anything. I want to know more. Any medicine for this? ## I have a friend in Kenya whose daughter was prescribed this medication for some headaches, and blurred vision, is this a good choice? Is it expensive to purchase here in the US? I assume it takes a prescription to obtain? I am considering the option of buying here and shipping it to her.

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Hi my name frank each time i go 2 th toilet i feel sharp pain n it feels like i have some sore in my anus.a doctor prescribed zerodol n anusol,plz wat wat could be d posible cause of dat. ## What did your doctor say was the probably cause? There are several things that can cause such symptoms, it could be an anal fissure, or hemorrhoids, as well as several other possibilities. Zerodol-P contains the active ingredients Aceclofenac and Paracetamol, it is used to treat pain and swelling. The Anusol is used to treat Hemorrhoids.

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sede effect of signoflam tablet ## Signoflam contains the active ingredients Aceclofenac, Paracetamol and Serratiopeptidase, it i used as a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory to treat pain, fever and swelling. Side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, headache and stomach irritation. Learn more: Is there anything else I can help with?

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Hi, My mother is 60 and has been diagnosed with mild Osteoartritis. For this she has been prescribed the following medicines: 1. Lubricart-D 2. Zerodol-CR 3.Caldikind The dosage prescribed is 2 tablets of each everyday. I would like to know if there are any side effects of these tablets and what better and milder prescriptions could be used instead of these. ## All medications carry the risk of side effects. this site is not, however, medical professionals, so we cannot possibly suggest what she should and should not use, only she and her doctor can decide that. Zerodol contains Aceclofenac and Serratiopeptidase. This is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory. Side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, headache and stomach irritation. Caldikind is a supplement containing Cholecalciferol, w...

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aceclofenac,paracetamol and trypsin-chymotrypsin tablet ## This combination is generally used to treat pain, fever and swelling. It may cause side effects, such as: nausea, dizziness, headache and stomach irritation. Are there any questions?

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please ket me know whether the combination of aceclofenac and paracetamol tablets will fall in the category of schedule'h' or not ## I am 62 years old, and use Aceclofenac ( 200mg daily) for the last 3 months for reducing rheumatoid arthritic pain. I wanted to know what the side effects are of this drug are, since I already have mitral and tricuspidal regurtitaion of the heart, and get palpitations often, especially after moderately strenuous exercise. I have no other issues except rheumatoid arthritis. ## I am 62 years old, and use Aceclofenac ( 100mg daily) for the last 3 days for reducing rheumatoid arthritic pain. I wanted to know what the side effects are of this drug are, ## yes it falls under schedule "h" ## What schedule it falls under depends on what country you...

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I suffered by plantar fasciitis from last 2 months, Doctor diagnosed me parit & Zerodol-CR single tablet per day what are the side effects of both tablets be'coz I have stomatch problem. ## Zerodol CR contains a time released formulation of Aceclofenac, it is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory, used to treat pain and swelling. Thus, yes, one of its side effects can be stomach irritation, along with nausea, drowsiness and headache. For the other medication, I am assuming you meant Pariet? It contains the active ingredient Rabeprazole, this is a proton pump inhibitor and helps reduce the amount of acid produced by your stomach. Your stomach problem and the stomach irritation that the Zerodol can cause, is probably why your doctor prescribed this one, with it. Its common side effects...

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what is this medication prescribed for? ## Aceclo Plus contains the active ingredients Aceclofenac and Paracetamol, it's a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory used to treat pain, fever and swelling. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, headache and stomach irritation. Read more: Are there any questions or comments?

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