Zolfed 10 (ambien) (Top voted first)


I've been researching for 2 hours. The alleged manufacturer in India doesn't even make this product. And what they're putting in the pills will make you sick.

24 Replies (2 Pages)

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If you received these from an unlicensed pharmacy then in my opinion it's more than likely a scam product. I notice that some of the internet pharmacies based over in India make up random brand names for otherwise popular medications to maybe throw people off. Zolfed for example sounds like a knock-off name of Zoloft or Zolpidem. Unfortunately with false marketing at hand, there's no way to know for sure what these tablets contain unless you were to have the tablet analyzed by a lab. What was the name of the company you went through? And did you file a complaint with your credit/debit card institution?

Just a side note: There's another knock-off Indian brand of Zolpidem to watch out for, that goes by the name "Zolfresh".

I hope everything turned out for the best.

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Zolfed-10: I received some 4 weeks ago that worked perfect for me. Could not get more of them so I got Zolfresh that came in sets of 15 pills per blister packaging. They appear fake and do not do anything for me.

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I just received Zolfed a few days ago. Its the first and last time I want to use it. I think if I'm lucky there is maybe 1 mg of zolpidem in a tab. I never had a issue with zolfresh before.

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I got these too. Even though the package says ISO and GMP certified, there's actually no standard certification process, its just a standard. Even though it says manufactured by Digital Vision - the real Digital Vision Pharmaceuticals in India says Pharma after on the product. Border Patrol and Port Authority seized thousands of these two days ago. I've tested them and they either contain 1-2 mg of Zolpidem each at best, or its this other chemical which can induce similar effects of Zolpidem but still you would need to take several pills at a time. I'd just throw them out.

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Zolfed 10 doesn't seem to be as strong as the Ambien I get at pharmacies in the US, but do work. If I take 1 Zolfed-10 I go to sleep. I like them.

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Zolfed 10 - I cannot sleep after that!!!

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I just received these same pills...Zolfed - 10
That also say Zolpidem Tablets 1P on pill pack. They are white long pills with score down the middle. They are not crumbling so far but took only 1 out. Manufacturer is: Digital Vision. Took 1 pill half
An hour ago and not doing anything so far. Drats!!
I will call pharmacy tomorrow to make a complaint.

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I also got Zolfed-10, to be sure it is NOT zolpidem or Ambien. It is a waste of your money.

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Re: gotthesame (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Hello, What's the other ingredient that was contained in your Zolfed10 test? Thank you

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So where is a site to get teal zolopidem? Anyone know? And what is in the zolfed, before I take it, please.

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Re: Giergiel (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I received zolfed and slept all night long but woke with a headache.

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Re: Angie104 (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Wondering the same about the Zolfed-10. Is this even real? I did get a months supply in the mail but they look nothing like what I would think. How have yours worked? And if not have you found anywhere easier to order from?

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The Zolfed 10 that I received work. I did a drug panel and it doesn’t have benzos or barbiturates. They gave me a headache at first but not now.

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Re: John (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

How many do you take and are they still working for you

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Are these "Zolfed 10" pills Ambien or is it a scam?

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Re: Giergiel (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Hello Giegiel, Are you sure that you may have the names of your pills backwards? Are you sure the Zolfed worked for you and not the Zolfresh? I have had both of them and the ZOLFRESH are very good. The Zolfed are trash unless it was something else they put in the Zolfed that worked for you such as Trazadone or it could be anything that is possible to put you to sleep. The reason I know if they are fake or not is because I take them. They also have a particular taste too. I'd be sure to say that ZOLFRESH is Zolpidem but not as strong as the American generics and actually have the feeling of Ambien. I have had an American prescription for Ambien for at least 20 years or more. So whatever there is in the Zolfed may be putting you to sleep, but I am 99% sure it is not Zolpidem which is generic for Ambien. Other drugs such as Trazodone, Seroquel or even OTC meds such as Unisom, Benadryl / Diphenhydramine, Dramamine, Dextrmethorphan (can you imagine how cheap those would be to make?) and there are also herbal products too that may work on you...Melatonin, Valerian Root..etc. So try them on your own risk.

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Re: David (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Hello David, I agree on everything you say about the Zolfed. I replied to this one girl who had a chat saying that it worked great for her. I warned her it could be anything from Trazadone to any OTC drug such as Benadryl, Dramamine, etc. But I do have a knack to be able to tell what is real or not. One reason is because I have received prescriptions for American (FDA) Brand and Generics for over 20 years..BUT...I have to disagree on the Zolfresh. I've had those before and requested again but did not get them. You may be right about them being a little weaker but really, aren't all of the foreign ones weaker? The best ones I had seemed to be Nitrest and Belbien. Not bad were Nocte and Lunata. Don't remember Zolfresh that well but I know I requested them again so I"m pretty sure they worked well. I had these throughout time but most can't get anymore. If you don't mind corresponding to my chat you are perfectly welcome.

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Re: Arla (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Arla, You are right because Zolfed is not Zolpidem. Please believe me because I know and you may see why if they (MEDCHAT) present my post. If they do not post it, let me know and I will reiterate it.

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Re: Angie104 (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Angie, Please let me know the site too if you find out.

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Hello all who are interested in the Zolfed whether or not they are real Zolpidem. Please read my posts and this might clear up some issues about them for you. Just wanted to put the info out there for the believers as well as the believers. Even though they may seemingly work, So do many of the OTC sleep medications for some folks.

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