Xanax Doctor In Boise, Idaho (Top voted first)


I live in Nampa, Idaho, 20 minutes from Boise. I just moved here and am looking for a doctor who has no problem prescribing Xanax. I have terrible anxiety.

3 Replies

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I'm moving to ID from TX in a few months and worried I will not be able to find a doctor who will keep me on my current prescription of .5 Xanax PRN. I have been on Xanax for 5 years and never went up in dosage and use it only as needed. I can go several days without needing one, but when I do need one it is the only thing that's ever helped get me through some pretty severe anxiety/ptsd. Yes, I've tried SSRIs. About 7 different kinds and I'm done with the continuous trial and error and having them affect my life and especially my job. Xanax is the only thing that helps me as I have extreme trauma and ptsd which has caused major social anxiety as well as extreme bouts of memory anxiety. Anyways, not going to go into anymore detail to justify why one .5 Xanax every few days just works for me. Everyone is different, and I don't have an addiction problem. And please don't reply with a rant about how bad you think Benzos are. I'm moving to the Treasure Valley so any suggestions for doctors who do prescribe in Boise, Meridian, Eagle, Nampa, or even Caldwell will be so greatly appreciated!

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Re: Jacob (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

You can't have it both ways, you don't want to hear any negative comments about your use of taking this class of medicine, which seems very responsible, yet claim how worried you are if you don't get it? Xanax makes you worry for all sorts of reasons, from not being able to find a Doc, to rebound anxiety when you don't have it. Xanax works great on the way in, and can be dangerous on the way out. Almost dropped me dead 13 years ago. I don't imagine you will have a problem obtaining them, although many doctors are just saying no.

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Xanax is a Benzodiazepine, so it has the potential to be habit forming and such prescriptions are also monitored by the government, so it's highly unlikely that you'll find a doctor that'll be casual about prescribing it.

The best thing you can do is set up an appointment with a new doctor, but don't ask in advance if they'll prescribe any particular medication, because they will most likely see that as drug seeking behavior.

Once you get an appointment make sure that they get a full copy of your current medical records, so they can see what has and what hasn't worked for you, as documented by a fellow physician. When that happens, they are more favorable towards prescribing accordingly.

Does anyone have a good doctor in that area that they can recommend?

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