X112 Liquid Diet Drops (Page 2)


Appetite suppressant for weight loss.

199 Replies (10 Pages)

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Does anyone ever get answers to their questions and requests on this forum?

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The reason that the X112 worked for You, is You were actually doing
speed, it was just one of the many drugs that would be illegal here in the United States. There were also Mandrax and Medinox for a woman
on her cycle.

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has anyone found this

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x-112 liquid

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mon medecin m'a prescrit x112 gelulle parce que j'ai des kilos à perdre. le problème c'est qu'on en trouve pas dans toutes les pharmcies de mon pays (Côte d'Ivoire) que faire?

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I took it while stationed in Germany. The first time I saw it was a roomie. He had a half bottle of it, pulled out the plastic stopper and downed it. Passed out COLD. You had to take it in grape soda (or something to mask the taste) because it was so foul tasting. I lost 30 lbs in 3 weeks on it, (abuse, not the recommended levels) but it was THE STUFF. EB2000 was another diet aide in pill form and more expensive. Van Halen used a missile on-stage when I saw them in Germany that had X-112 on the side. Speed? Don't know, but it listed all natural ingredients if I remember correctly.

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I just left Germany for the second time. I can't believe I had never heard of x112 until I got back to the US. I actually ordered it on line thru e-pharmacy

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I am in the same Boat as all of the others. To member Lana Why Was It Taken Off, well we used to call it liquid crank. It was in esssence a liquid meth type of product. When we ere playing war games in Germany, or on the Czech border, you want to be as alert as one can. And I will tell you this, the others on here do not want it for losing weight, they want it for the high it gives. You will actually not even want to eat, just because you don't want to kill the high. This was way back in the early 1970's, and I can't believe I even found this site. I was just trying to look it up to show a friend who didn't believe me. Know she does, and it was indeed something I would not want do in my old age, because you could very easily have a heart attack doing it, it was that good. Just like liquid Meth, nothing less. We did the same as the one other individual did, we put 6-10 drops in a can of soda, and man was it awfully bad tasting stuff. It would have a bitter taste in your mouth for days on end, and you just kept doing it everyday. Almost the whole platoon had a bottle or two of it at all times. TaDa, now U know why everyone wants it.

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I ordered x112 (antiadiposterium) from Germamy. It contains norpseudoephedrine, whisis a slight stimulant. I don't think it is the same x112 that everyone is talking about. maybe it really was unsafe.

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Can you tell me the website, so I can order it? I have had several frienda that were stationed in Germany that bought this and said they lost weight.

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if your google antiadiposterium it does come up with websites to order. It is simular even though it is in pill form and not drop form. Though, 189. is a hefty price for 30 days. I don't remember paying that much over in germany.

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I also took x112 drops that I got from a German doctor. This was the best weight loss medicine I have ever had, I lost 69 pounds. Please let me know if you find out how to get this shipped to me.

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6 Dec 08, I just went to a German Pharmacy to purchase X-112. You now need a German Dr's prescription. At least it is still available and German Dr visits are pretty inexpensive.

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I am trying to find the X112 also, could someone give me a specific doctor name or specific website to order the drops from, I am at wits end and sick of spending money on crap that don't work, I am in desperate need of help, please send me a email if you can help me. thank you

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Looking for x-112 and wonder if and where it can be purchased.

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I saw a doctor in Sindelfingen Germany yesterday and paid 50 Euro for the visit and 23 Euro when I picked up my X 112 at the German Pharmacy also call the Apotheke. Altogether I have spent about $107 for the visit as well as my bottle of X 112. I have lost 3 lbs just after taking 12 drops in my 10 oz glass of water this morning. I can't believe it.

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Does anyone know where X-112 can be purchased online? Would really appreciate any input. Thanks.

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I also took this X112 in the 70's. It worked like a charm. Liquid Energy. Lost weight had tons of energy and completed everything I put my mind to. Cannot find it anywhere..been looking for year. this is the closet I've been to hearing about it. keep the information coming.

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I also used X-112 while I lived in Karlsruhe, Germany during 1991/1992. It is the most effective weightloss product I have used. I have a friend that still lives there so I asked about getting some. He was told that the new product is different in that it is now herbal. The original X-112 was methamphetamine in liquid form. When I learned this, I was shocked.

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in response to Chris...wow...I knew it was too good to be true. Could've caused all kind of physical damage. thanks...

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