On Setlakin And Bleeding For 20 Days
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I started Setlakin on April 22nd, I then started bleeding on May 20th. It’s non stop. It’s not spotting, it’s like a normal period. Cramps, bloating, all of it. I called my OB and she told me to double up for a week, which ended already so I called again to report no change and the nurse ignored me and said I need to give it time to work itself out. 20 days of bleeding is a LONG time. It’s ruining my relationship, the irritation and constant cramping. Thankfully we’ve been together for 2 years and we know this will pass but for the love of all that’s holy I can’t handle this much longer. Has anyone else experienced this and how long did the bleeding last for you? I know everyone is different but I feel there’s no end in sight! Help!

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I've been bleeding for 28 days on Setlarkin. I cant take it anymore. And it's not spotting, it's heavy full blown flow. My body feels depleted. I have zero energy and I feel a little nutty and completely withdrawn. I also called 3 weeks in and told my doctor and they also said to just stick with. I cant anymore. I quit three days ago. Still bleeding but I feel my personality coming back.

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This is an oral contraceptive, so that can be a normal side effects, when you first start taking it, and it may last up to 3 months, according to FDA reports. Other side effects may include nausea, dizziness, the irritability you mentioned, mood changes, and cramping.

I am sorry about how it is affecting your relationship, while you can still be intimate while menstruating, the irritability, cramping, and etc. doesn't do much to set the mood. I'm dealing with perimenopause, so several days a month, my husband wishes he could head for the hills. LOL

If it is really affecting you that badly, I would call and make an appointment to see your OB and tell her in person how bad it really is affecting your life.

Are you on any other medications?

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