Norco Shortage Houston (Top voted first)


I've been treated for Chronic pain for 7 years or so with Norco 10/325. I've recently transferred to Houston from Western KY and am having a very difficult time finding a pharmacy that has this in Stock? 4th largest city and they do not have this widely used med? Does anyone know of a pharmacy that IS understanding and has this in Stock? I have a prescription but can't find anywhere to get it filled now.

2 Replies

Earliest Newest Votes

Helllo, DJ! I am very sorry about the issue you're having finding your medication.

Unfortunately, this is something that occurs yearly, and I was just explaining it to someone else with the same problem.

The DEA assigns manufacturing limits, each year, for all controlled substances. They did this to help gain better control of the supply of the medications that are most commonly abused, or stolen and resold.

You can read the Controlled Substances Act here.

Once that amount is reached, production must cease, and cannot resume, until the new years allotments are issued. Inevitably, supply fails to meet the new demand, and shortages occur.

Norco is an opiate analgesic, and the FDA warns that it carries the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and constipation.

Ref: Norco Information

I know this doesn't help resolve your problem, I can only tell you why it happens.

When asking at the pharmacies, did you actually take your prescription with you, so they know you are legitimate customer with a need?

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Re: VerFree (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

You’re replying to a post from 2016. He’s probably all set now. Why are these old posts featured in emails?

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