Is Coumadin Better Than Warfarin
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I just started on Warfarin a few weeks ago, due to a blood clot. First 2 weeks was okay, but now that it has built up in my system, I am having nausea, stomach pains, diarrhea. Everyone is telling me to switch to Coumadin. I am seeing my doctor on Monday. It feels like Gallbladder trouble, but she does not think so.
So many people are telling me to get the Coumadin instead. Telling me about fillers in the Warfarin, and it seems like a lot of people could not tolerate the Warfarin.

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That is correct, Warfarin is the active ingredient in Coumadin, however yes, there can be differences in some of the fillers, which while they are considered inactive ingredients, can cause problems for some people.


And the other information about problems with foods, it also correct. There are some things you have to stay away from, when taking this, especially anything high in Vitamin K.

Did you see your doctor, yet?

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Warfarin IS the same as Coumadin. Coumadin is the brand name of warfarin.
Please keep a food diary for the next week of EVERYTHING that you eat and bring it with you to the doctor. Were you instructed about food interactions when you were started on the medication? Also be sure to document all medications,INCLUDING over the counter and "natural" supplements that you might take. Good luck and be well.

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