Hair 4 U Lotion


For the past six months,i have been using hair4u lotion and tricomax ag but my hair fall is getting worse.i thought it was the initial shedding but hair fall is not getting stopped and the scalp is getting more visible...can u please help me out?when will the hair fall stop?

3 Replies

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What's causing your hair loss?

Determining that would be what would enable anyone to provide advice or ideas that might help you.

Learn more alopecia details here.

Are you taking any medications that may be causing it?

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HI... I m in New Zealand. Can i buy the product online which will delivered to my NZ address.

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Hi, I am 25 years old and last year I went under alot of stress of having to be a foster mother to my own baby sister and my boyfriend leaving me with 2 little children and my own baby sister. I got 2 bold spots, one big one on the back of my head where I even lots my hairline and one small one at the top. The doctor started giving me scalp injections and the one in the back almost completely filled in, but the bold spot on the tip of my head got bigger and I now have an indent. It is going to my hairline and to my forehead. I was given mylan-clobetasol 0.05% and so far no difference. I am from the north and we can only see the doctor every 3 months and having a big bold spot on the top of my head is really affecting my confidence. Is there anything I can suggest to my doctor. Or is there anything I can do to re grow my hair???

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