Do Not Take Theses Blood Thinner Drugs (Top voted first)


Once you start taking this you will be on it until blood walls thin, then you will be begin to bleed inside, then they will make you stop taking it, and you will have a stoke or heart attack, there are many other ways to thin your blood. These blood thinner drugs are poison. They did this to my Mother and Father, and my sister as well. Please save your life and find an alternative.

25 Replies (2 Pages)

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I didn't connect your use of Lovenox to an extremely elevated INR (sometimes called PTT). I'm not a cardiologist, but my brother is and I'm a fully licensed Board-certified psychiatrist AND have used Lovenox twice and Upsher-Smith;s generic Warfarin daily. You needed follow up by a Cardiologist or a Vascular Surgeon, further testing ,etc. Sometimes I'm shamed of being a doc; this is one of those times. No wonder your post "doesn't make sense". I apologize for my insensitivity.

Editor's note: We do not verify the credentials of our users and nothing stated in our forums is intended to be taken as medical advice.

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And exactly where digdyou pass the MD/DO, :PA, RPh or NP licensing boards" If you obviously don't know Coumadin from Carbrital, why display your ignorance n a public forum?

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i take warfarin cos i have 2 artificial valves, mitral and aortic... i am sorry, i shouldn't got smart mouth about what i post but i agree with the doctor, somebody didn't take it right cos you take too much your blood is real thin or take not enough your blood is thick, or maybe i got it backwards but you see what i mean :-)
Take Care!

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no problem Dr. Joey, by the way i got this nevermind i am just joking, i mean i take pain meds for my back but i was just saying by the way i got this pain, cos everytime somebody meets a doctor they start saying i got this problem or :-)
Take Care!

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No problem, Tim! I struggled with chronic, undiagnosable migraine-like headaches DAILY for about eight years. I'm a decent guy -- never charge colleagues or their families; contribute Fri & Sat to a clinic for LGBT kids and get my fellow Choiefs (I'm Chief of Psychiatry) to terrorize their 3rd and 4th year residents to lend their skills. Until we found -- accidentally -- the right "Cocktail," i was Taking 6 to 8 Percocet 10/325 and sometimes Dilaudid along with Klonopin for anxiety and Ambien 30mg qHS for a sleep disorder I've had forever. My buds were REAL buds. We researched, we called in favors, etc and my own mentor said, "We'd get all kinds of all for writing these scripts if we weren't who were are and you weren't who you are. Hospital pharmacy ordered and filled all the scripts anomy neighborhood pharmacist did the same.) It's illegal to prescribe Controlled Substances for oneself in NYS. These guys were all doc I held in high regard and good friends, too. I shouldn't have got her a big shot shrink having members of the AMAS Hall of Frame treating me to get the meds I needed. One day, we learned that Adderall could cause a potential cardiac issue and we switched to Ritalin 20mg QID. I took the last Oxy in the bottle and didn't need any more. I called a couple of my buds, expecting opiate withdrawal than NEVER happened. (I had a couple of loaded syringes of Dliaudi-HP and about 20 of my resident handed me a b otto of 150 Dilaudid 2mg tabs and a pack of loaded syringes." "My Dad's an anesthesiologist, Doctor. I said you have to have wisdom teeth removed at another hospital because you had an Aortic Aneurysm repair and replacement of an Aortic Vale. He said that when it's primarily a cardiac hospital, your pain will be priority #101 on a list of their Top !00 priorities," My name was one the bottle; my boys and girls know my address and Wade's Dad's info was in place. And that odd was? RIGHT. I actually had to say, 'If you don't administer Lovenox right now so I can get the hell out of here — that's an expensive drug that raised the INR -- blood clotting time -- I"m calling MY cardiologist (an arrogant pain in the ass, but very influential) and walking the f*** our of here via ambulance so the insurance companies can't reject the claims -- pong to MY hospital and Dr. G will do what needs to be done and discharge me. Don't get too fond of those licenses? Make a few calls and find out how much juice I really have. If you don't think I"ll use ALL of it, including having the DEA admit this place for Controlled Substance Diversion, you don't know 'the Bad Doctor Joey'". I'm feeling you, buddy. I've prescribed LT Vicodin for patients like you. Pain affects mood, increase anxiety and who better than I knows about possible interactions with your psych meds and can prescribe intelligently. We have a shield, though, multiple certs in psychiatry and I'm the master bulls***ter of all time. I've had DEA Agents not knowing whether to scratch their watches or wind their butts! Thanks for the nice note, bro. — Joey

Editor's note: We do not verify the credentials of our users and nothing stated in our forums is intended to be taken as medical advice.

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You medical opinion was SPOT ON, bro. "Too thin" blood leads to biassing and possible internal bleeding.

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That post makes NO SENSE MEDICALLY or even RHETORICALLY.However, I think you were in a state of severe anxiety when you wrote it. You got all the pertinent stuff in. I'd be wary of substitute ANYTHING for Coumadin absent severe adverse effects. Xaralto seems OK on paper, but so did THALIDOMIDE. (My doc when I was an undergrad went to the U of Chicago; he explained that one of his classmates, Dr. Frances Oldham Kelsey, get that the books somehow ere cooked on the THALIDOMIDE documentation; she was on the committee that would vote YES or NO on final approval. Dr. John had a degree in Engineering from Purdue had could use THOSE EYES and THAT BRAIN as well as the compassion and knowledge of a dedicated small-town FP. Dr. Kelesey called Dr. John and, absent Faxes or Fedex, she had sent copies a few days before. He agreed. Something wasn't right, but he couldn't pinpoint it.) Boom ,ink is Dr. Kelsey voted "NO," Thalidomide never made it to market as a sedative, morning-sickness med and trough the ret of the world hundreds of thousands of babies were bon seriously deformed. What happened, you ask? It was like Watergate. The drug company doctored the data and for the time, dod a damned good job of it. Almost like Watergate. Get SEVERAL second opinions — insist on ATTENDING PHYSICIANS, Residents only permitted to observe if you wish. VASCULAR SURGEON, CARDIO, HEMATOLOGIST, the whole nine yards. Madam, with all due respect, if I had as many needles sticking OUT of me as I'd had stuck in, I'd look like a porcupine. Nurses are better with needles than most docs. (I'm pretty good, but I'd always defer to an experienced RN or NP, since NPs start out as nurses.) And there are all kinds of tricks I've learned and taught to kids about diverting their attention. This is a serious matter and I won't overstep by commenting on the condition itself; I just don't know enough about it.

Editor's note: We do not verify the credentials of our users and nothing stated in our forums is intended to be taken as medical advice.

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Sorry my post makes "NO SENSE MEDICALLY or even RHETORICALLY" but that is exactly what happen the first time I had blood clots! I went to Urgent Care, they gave me a sonogram and then the doctor came in and told me I had 2 blood clots in my right leg. My INR (or INT), was 18 and and my PT was 197. The nurse then came in with 7 needles (Lovenox), and I was told I'd have to give myself a shot in the stomach for 7 days. I was also given a 'script for Warfarin. Okay, now I cannot remember if I had to take both or if I had to wait till I was finished with those shots. I was given a shot that day. I had to go twice a week and have my blood checked, then sent to a Coumadin clinic where their machine or whatever you call it, the one that checks your blood, only went to 8, was sent across the hall to have it rechecked and it came back the same number. Went home and within an hour they called me and told me to go to the E.R. I did and ended up having a blood transfusion. After spending 3 days in the hospital and no, not a good hospital one bit, the doctor there then put me on Xarelto. Now as far as what the "docs rationale was exactly", I couldn't tell you, I can tell you that a lot of people use to die in that hospital, especially in the E.R. to the point where they made it if you came by ambulance, someone had to remain with you until you got a room because of people dying in the hallways! The city I live in is way to big to have only one hospital! Cape Fear Valley Medical Hospital, something along those lines cause they are too busy spending money on changing the name of it and adding a bigger parking lot, oh and let's not forget about the grand piano they have! Yes, they had me confused, here I was thinking I'm suppose to be eating more food with Vit. K in it and when I went to that Coumadin clinic the guy jumped on me for eating food with Vit. K and told me my blood level would be higher! Well quit sending me to other doctors that tell me to do the complete opposite of what the other said! And get this...on my blood transfusion, they had to come back and draw more blood from me because someone had lost my blood in route of getting the blood for the transfusion! I detest that hospital and would much rather go elsewhere! Oh! Before I forget...when I went back to that Urgent Care (which is connected with the hospital), in July and was told I had those blood clots in my other leg, they told me I had to go to the E.R. as they do not do anything for blood clots and when I told them about me being there in Oct. of 2013 and getting those Lovenox shots, etc. they didn't know what I was talking about! I'm like "What the heck"! They ended up just saying, 'well we no longer do that'. Yes, might not make any sense but that is exactly what happen. Thank you for at least replying to my post. Take care~

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If I hadn't taken COUMADIN. I have thrown a clot for sure and it or they would head right for the heart valves. hat will kill you pretty darned dead! To flow through hardware, blood needs e thinner than WNLs, If preventing a death-dealing cardiac arrest or stroke does not constitute saving my life, what does?

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Coiumadin saved my life after the replacement of a damaged Aortic Valve. My own brother, a cardio, has written me cover scripts PRN. I'm a physician myself (a psuyc with a PhD in Pharmacology). Exactly what basis in valid and reliable well-designed research studies do you have to support these ridiculous allegations. Coumadin also saved my Mom's and Dad's lives, for different reasons. f you don;t know what the f--k you're talking about, stay silent and don;t scare people away from a REAL life-saving drug. I have the personal research, family history and TWO doctorates plus literally pounds of Valid and Reliable research to support my position. Your turn to MAN UP to SHUT UP! Incidentally, your "timeline" is absurd. Coumadin bleeds do happen, from annoying to severe. We can treat them and nobody dies/ Internal bleeding is an indication for hospitalization, D of Coumadin and a switch to Lovenox, which antagonists the effects of Coumadin VERY QUICKLY. There, the cards evaluate from there. Do you think my own big brother a gifted physician, would prescribe deadly drugs to his in-laws, sign of of another doc's prescribing them for my parents and !? You need a workup for sure — a PSYCH work upland I'm a Board-certified shrink and do well with Delusional Patients. If what you say is true, SOMEBODY or several SOMEBODIES did not follow doctors' orders!

Editor's note: We do not verify the credentials of our users and nothing stated in our forums is intended to be taken as medical advice.

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yeah i take warfarin and i been taking that since 1985 and i never had any problem, people come on here saying stupid stuff when they don't know what they are talking about, i agree with the doctor, if you don't know what you are saying then shut up!

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I only ordered it during hospital "rotations" and helped out my Mo and Dad with what we call "cover scripts" (the doc is doing you a favor)m, but I myself have taken Coumadin since April 1995 with no appreciable adverse effects. Thanks for backing my play, bro!

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After reading that 1st post, I'm a little nervous. I have 2 blood clots in my left leg (had 2 in my right leg back in 2013), for the 1st blood clots I was doing those lovenox shots in my stomach for 7 days then switched over to warfarin, after being in the hospital the second time, the doctor put me on Xarelto, thank God cause being on warfarin I had to go have my blood checked twice a week, I think because my INR was very high, 18 to be exact! That was in Oct. of 2013, in Feb. of 2014 I went to the E.R. where they did a sonogram and C-scan and the blood clots were gone so I quit taking the Xarelto. A couple of months ago my left leg started swelling and burning and my doctor had me go get a sonogram and it showed up where I have 2 more blood clots, spent one night in the hospital and put back on Xarelto, this new doctor I'm seeing had me go get some blood work done to see why I'm getting so many so many of them, it came back okay so now I'm going to have my white blood cells checked and he mentioned about me having that surgery done where they put a filter in your vein. All I know is these blood clots hurt a lot more then the other ones, my leg burns so bad I keep putting water on it as it does help for a little bit. (I had laser surgery on my left leg back in the eary 2000s), don't know if that has anything to do with the burning/swelling or not). Oh, found out about these blood clots on July 24th or 25th. I just hope Xarelto is an okay blood thinner. Have a blessed day/night everyone~

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NO PROFF that any of these "no blood test" anticoagulants is better than Coumadin or Asher-Smioth's generic Jantoven. That's what I take. FYI: My cardiologist gave me a star, of reprints from Peer-Reviewed Medical journals containing research about brand-name Coumadin v. branded generic Jantoven. Insurance plans with required generic substitution often dispense Jantoven. For you Coumadin users looking to save some $, if a doc writes the script as I do, the pharmacy should have to dispense Jamntoven or Coumadin at there generic price.


Coumadin 4mg - Upsher-Smith generic


Warfarin 4mg - Upsher-Smith
Disp #100
Sig: AD (dosing in variable)

Good tablet integrity and the same pastel colors as brand name Coumadin.

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oh that is good Dr. Joel, i didn't know if i got it backwards or what :-)
thanks for letting me know...
Take Care!

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WAIT! LOVENOX and COUMADIN are virtually antagonistic. Want a quick clot? Combine Vit K and Coumadin or a drug like Lovenox. The docs rationale was exactly WHAT? I know lots about both drugs, since I've talen or self-administered them.

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You're one valve up on me, bro! I just had my Aortic replaced after repair of an Ascending Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) so large -- 8.6ml -- that it should have killed me the first time my BP spiked weeks ago!

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yeah i had my open heart surgery done in Pittsburgh UPMC and Dr. Bartley P. Griffith did my surgery who is head of cardiology at university Maryland...he told me they had to take my heart out and repair my valves and they had me on a heart and lung bypass machine...i had to get surgery done 2 times, second time was cos my bag around my heart broke and they had to take it altogether back in 1985 i was in hospital about 35 days, not at once but 13 days first time then 10 days in local hospital and my hemaglobin or however its spelled it kept dropping so i threw up alot and slept alot not eatting then i signed out of hospital cops i thought i can do what i am doing here at home, so i did i signedout but my doctor called my mother told her the ambulance would rush me down the Pa Turnpike to UPMC and they found out what was wrong and they did surgery next day, giving me plasma the day before surgery then blood transfusion the later that night after the surgery :-)
Take Care!

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Thank you for your kind words and understanding DrJoey. When I was in that awful hospital this past July they gave me a shot of Lovenox along with my taking Xarelto, don't know if they were suppose to do that or not. And I kid you not, not once did I get one single meal, thank God I was there for just one night! I told them I was hungry and was told I missed out on dinner (while I'm laying in a corner of the E.R.), so they gave me 2 of those tiny things of apple sauce to eat and since I was having a C-scan in the morning, I wouldn't be able to eat breakfast, why I couldn't have something afterwards is beyond me! I finally got out of there around 2 PM, got home and hit my 'fridge! Lol~ I have a cardiologist, he's the one that had me go get the sonogram in July and he's pretty much keeping on top of things. While in the hospital this Oncology/Hematology doctor took care of me and now am seeing him as well. He's the one sending me to have all this blood work done, last month 5 tubes of blood were taken, he's trying to figure out why I'm getting so many blood clots and before I see him again I have to go and have my white blood cells checked and then he might want to have that 'Filter' put in my vein, which vein, don't know, figured I'd ask him all that if we decided to go with that filter. Hmmm...first I have laser surgery done on that leg (back in early to mid 2000) for a Faulty value and now a filter....I don't know what to think anymore! Take care and hopefully this message will go straight through instead of having to wait over a day for you to see it.

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Coiumadin. I would think that a physician would know better than to make a cause-and-effect blanket statement assumption, that "Coiumadin saved my life after the replacement of a damaged Aortic Valve." I doubt it was the Coiumadin itself that saved your life.

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